Sunday, March 26, 2017

Quarter 4 -- Week 1

Image result for spring clip art

Happy Spring First Grade Families!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break. It was nice having a break at the end of third quarter. The first graders complete a lot of quarter assessment before break.

  • Friday, March 31 is Parent-Teacher conferences.  Thank you to everyone who already signed up. If you haven't please make sure to do so soon via I look forward to meeting with everyone to discuss your child's progress.
  • Don't forget to complete the Returning Student form if your child is returning to Oasis academy next year.  This too was sent out via email.  The deadline for this is March 30.  
This Week we will...
  • continue working on our poetry unit. First graders will write and important poem and a Haiku poem. 
  • choose our favorite poem and type it using google docs.  Stop by and check these out they will be hanging in the hallway next week. 
  • begin our narrative writing. This week we will use different graphic organizers to get our ideas down.
  • use MINTS to remind us of the items that need capitals when writing. Months, I, Names, Titles, Sentence beginnings. 
  • learn about commas.
  • continue with reading groups. Help your child remember to read each night. 
Math News

Welcome Back 1st Graders,

I hope that you had a fun and relaxing Spring Break!  With Spring Break coming to an end that means that it is the beginning of 4th Quarter!  I can’t believe that it is our last quarter of this school year.  

This week, our class will be focusing on fractions.  We will partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares.  We will describe these parts as halves, fourths and quarters.



Week 29 Homework
March 27th -30th
IXL - X.1 Equal Parts
IXL - X.2 Halves, thirds and fourths
IXL - X. 4 Simple Fractions: which shape matches?
IXL - X.5 Simple Fractions: parts of a group

Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy Monday!!
I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the wonderful Spring-like weather we had. I wanted to thank everyone for coming to our slide show presentations. The first graders worked hard on these and were so excited to share them with everyone. Check out the photo collage of your child presenting at the bottom of this blog. If you or a family member was unable to attend I will put your child's slideshow on our blog next week so your first grader can present it again to those that missed it. With the spring weather comes spring sports. They are so much fun and take up a lot of time. Please try to put school first and make sure your child reads and completes IXL or math homework every night.Reminders --Spring Break - Begins on Friday, March 17. We return to school on Monday March 27th. I hope everyone has something fun planned. The students and teacher are looking forward to a break especially with this great weather we have been having. Conferences - Parent teacher conferences will begin Friday, March 31. Look for the sign up genius. It will be sent out within the next couple of days.Yearbooks - This is the last week to order a year book.Last week we wrote Acrostic and Color poems. We drew self portraits of our selves for our poetry books. We completed our slideshow presentations on the animal we researched. This week we will...

  • Continue our poetry unit by writing I Wish poems, Haiku's and Limericks.
  • Use the chrome book to type up one of the poems from their poetry books.
  • Complete end of the quarter assessments.
**Due to assessments your child may not have a book each night. If your child does not bring a book home please choose a book that they can read to you and sign th

Slide show of our presentations

Click to play this Smilebox collage
Create your own collage - Powered by Smilebox
Create a picture collage

Math News from Mrs. Garcia

Happy Monday!

It’s Spring Break week!  The students and teachers are excited for a fun and relaxing break before 4th quarter begins!  I hope that your family is doing something fun and exciting.  Be safe!

This week the students will be busy completing mini - assessments in order to get an accurate grade for 3rd quarter report cards.  

The students will continue to work on adding to 100 using the “Branch Method.”  This week we will focus on the “Branch Method” in order to add within 100.

Examples of the “Branch Method”

Adding 2-digits to 1-digit Adding 2-digits to a multiple of 10
13  +  5 = ___ 27  +   20 = ___
     ↙  ↘     ↘      ↙   ↘    ↙  ↘
  10  +  (3  +  5) = ___   20  +  7 + 20 + 0 = ___
   10  +  8 = 18  (20 + 20) + (7 + 0) = ___
                                                      40    +   7     = 47
Week 28 Homework
March 13th - 16th
Branch Addition Worksheet - 2-digit to 1-digit
Branch Addition - 2-digit to 2-digit
Branch Addition - 2-digit to 2-digit
No Homework - Spring Break!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Quarter 3 -- Week 9

Hello First grade Families --

The first graders would like to invite families to our slideshow presentations.
Click to play this Smilebox invite

First graders have been working hard to prepare for their slideshow presentations. I hope you will be able to join us.

Last week in First grade we...

  • practice using pronouns to replace nouns in sentences.
  • use conjunctions to combine 2 simple sentences.
  • read many Dr. Seuss books and determined the moral/message in these stories.
  • finished up our slideshows by adding transitions and animations to each slide. We also practice presenting them with our partners.
  • wrote squiggle stories in Daily 5.
This week we will...
  • present our slideshows to the other first grade class and Miss Garica's class.
  • listen to Mrs. Loop's class present their slideshows.
  • write a book review on a Dr. Seuss book.
  • begin our poetry unit. We will write an acrostic and a color poem this week.
  • complete an assessment on capitals and pronouns.
**Our spelling pattern this week will be ay words.

Reminders ---

  • Yearbooks need to be ordered by March 17th.
  • If your child is returning to Oasis Academy next year for the 2017-18 school year you must complete Returning Student document from an email that sent was sent from the office. Deadline to submit is March 30, 2017.
  • Daylight Saving time begins on March 12 -- Set your clocks forward an hour. 
  • Spring Break will be the week of March 20-March 24.
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will begin on Friday, March 31 and will continue before and after school during the following week. Watch your email for a sign up genius. 

Math News from Miss Garcia -- Happy March!

The 1st graders assessed on Thursday by telling time to the hour and half hour.  Each student had to match digital times to analog clocks and analog clocks to digital clocks.  They also had to label analog clocks with both the hour and minute hand.

This week we work on adding to 100.  Including adding a two digit number to a one digit number such as (52 + 7 = 59).  We will also add a two digit number to a multiple of ten such as (43 + 10 = 53).  We will teach this strategy through counting on and branch method.

Week 27 Homework
March 6th-9th
IXL - A.13 Counting on a hundred chart
IXL - A.14 Hundred Chart
Branch addition worksheet adding 2- digits t0 a 1 digit number
Branch addition worksheet adding ten to a 2-digit number

Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia