Sunday, April 24, 2016

Math news

Week 34

From now until the end of the school year, the first graders will be working on the following concepts:
  • Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares
  • Add within 100
  • Understand and apply properties of operations between addition and subtraction
  • Determine the unknown whole number in an addition and subtraction equation.

This week your first grader will be determining an unknown number in an addition and subtraction equation.  The kids will be modeling this concept, using their “High Numbers” by creating number bonds and fact families.

There will be workbook pages Monday through Wednesday and IXL on Thursday.

Homework for Week 33
Workbook pg. 127-128
Workbook pg. 133-134
Workbook pg. 135-136
IXL- F.7 Addition and Subtraction - True or False

Quarter 4 -- week 6

Happy Monday First Grade Families,

It was another busy week in first grade.  We finished our personal narratives including making the cover and an all about the author page. We also looked at how objects are illuminated or non-illuminated and how living things use illumination for survival.  

This week Mrs. Goings will be the teacher Monday and Tuesday.  I will be going to a conference in Las Vegas.  I know you students are in good hands.  In science we will be exploring objects that are transparent, translucent and opaque.  We will be writing about the signs of spring. Our spelling pattern this week will be oon words (moon, noon, spoon etc.)

Please remind your child that the big kids are testing and that they need to be on their best, quite behavior so these kids can do their best. 

Thank you to all the 1st and 2nd graders who helped me celebrate my birthday early! We came into a surprise on Thursday!  Thank you to the Simpers and Pinson for making it a great day! 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Quarter 4 -- Week 5

Happy Monday First Grade Families...

What a wonderful weekend it turned out to be!!!  I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy some of the great sunshine.

Last week in first grade we...

  • went on a hunt for words containing ci, ce, cy "S"  and ge, gi, gy "J"  the kids did a great job finding and reading words with these tricky letters.
  • discovered that vibrations make sound. We made cup-a-phones and discovered that the string between the 2 cups needs to be tight or the vibrations won't travel to the other cup.
  • finished the final drafts of our small moment narratives. First graders did an AWESOME job writing neatly for an audience.
  • wrote opinions using would you rather cards during daily 5.  
A look at this week...
  • First graders will finish up their small moment narratives by illustrating their cover and writing about themselves for the all about the author page.
  • We will continue our light and sound unit by looking at how objects need to illuminated in order for us to see them.
  • We will also be starting end of the year report card assessments.
  • Our spelling pattern this week will be oat words (boat, goat, bloat).
Our upper grade friends will be taking their State tests this week so we will have to make sure we are extra quiet!!!

Math News from Miss Garcia
Week 33

This week we will be focusing on adding and subtracting numbers within 100!  We will be adding/subtracting multiples of 10.  Please have your child refer to their 100 chart, in their school binder, if they need a tool to use to help them figure out an answer.  The students can choose between Branch Method and Arrow Diagrams in order to add the 2 digit problems. There will be workbook pages and IXL on Thursday.

Homework for Week 33
Workbook pg. 121-122
Workbook pg. 123-124
Workbook pg. 129-130
IXL- F.1 Addition and subtraction: Ways to make a number.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Quarter 4- week 4

Happy Spring!!!

I want to thank everyone who volunteers to help out our class both at home and at school  without your help our school would not be the great place it is.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!

Last week we finished our small moment stories. This week we will be editing them and will be completing our finished products.  These stories turned out just great! We also made Kazoos and went on a listening walk for our light and sound unit. We surprised Miss Garcia's class with our great Kazoo music.

This week we will continue our light and sound unit and continue to work on making our small moments perfect. 

Our spelling pattern will be OIL words (broil, spoil etc.)

Reminder:  Yearbooks must be ordered by April 14!  If you want a yearbook it must be ordered by this date.

Math News 

This week we will be focusing on adding and subtracting numbers within 90!  We will be adding/subtracting multiples of 10.  Please have your child refer to their 100 chart, in their school binder, if they need a tool to use to help them figure out an answer.  We are building our foundation by working on composing and decomposing place value.  We discuss this in class as One’s place and Ten’s place.  All homework will be IXL!  

For example:  40
(Would equal 6 tens and 4 ones = 64)

Homework for Week 32
IXL B.24 Add 10’s part one
IXL D.18 Subtract 10’s part one
IXL B.25 Add 10’s part two
IXL D.19 Subtract 10's part 2
Have a great week!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Quarter 4 -- Week 3

Welcome Back First Grade Families!!!
I hope everyone had a fun and restful spring break! I am looking forward to hearing all about everyone adventures away from school. 

This week we will continue to work on our personal narratives using our small moments.  The first graders are doing so well with this writing.  I am excited how their stories will turn out.  We will be using text features from the Froggy books by Jonathon London to add voice,   transitions,  ellipses  and  onomatopoeia's to our writing.  

We will also begin a Science unit on Light and Sound. This week we will be learning about our five senses. We will be going on a sound walk throughout our school,  making kazoos and learning about vibrations, listening to different glasses with different amounts of liquid to hear pitch, and making a cup-a-phone to experiment with sound.  It will be a fun week of exploring and learning.  

This weeks spelling pattern is oom words (boom, bloom, gloom, gloomy etc.)

Please remember, there are a TON of sports going on at this time of year however, your child’s number one job is school and to make sure that they are keeping up on their reading and math homework!  Please continue to support the importance of their school work.

News from Miss Garcia

Welcome back from Spring Break!  We hope you had an wonderful, fun and relaxing time.  We saw lots of Facebook posts and pictures, it looks like everyone had a great time!  It’s that time to get back into the swing of school.  This week we will be focusing on two types of word problems: adding numbers within 20 as well as adding 3 digits up to 20.  All homework will be IXL!

Homework for Week 31
B.4 Word Problems sums to 10
B.5 Word Problems- write the addition sentences
B.15 Word Problems sums to 18
B.18 Word Problems adding three numbers