Sunday, February 28, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 9

Happy Leap Day!!

Thank you once again for being such a great audience for the first graders to present their slideshows to. They worked hard and were so excited to present them to friends and families. Remember they can be found under animal slide shows on the page tab on the top of the blog.  Your child may present them to any family member that wasn't able to make it.  

Last week in first grade we...

  • perfected our slideshows by presenting to other first graders, the 2nd graders and a parent helper.
  • learned all about prepositions and we wrote sentences with prepositions.
  • has an assessment on conjunctions, but will continue to practice using these to make complex and compound sentences/.
  • created a circle map on one of the other 1st graders animals and wrote an informational paragraph using this information.
This week is an eventful week!  We will be celebrating the 100 day of school (on Tuesday) and Dr. Seuss's birthday (on Wednesday).
Image result for Dr. Seuss                                            

Math News from Miss Garcia

Dear 1st Grade Parents,

Welcome to the last day of February and the only occurring once every 4 years--Leap Day!!

In math first grade students finished their unit on time.  Our main focus was using digital and analog clocks to read and write time to the hour and half hour.  Students also worked on showing times to the nearest hour and half hour on analog clocks.
Students are catching onto telling time rather quickly but it is a skill that takes some practice (especially on analog clocks)!

Week 27 Homework
We will be working on adding 2 digit numbers within 100 by using the Branch Method.  Here is an example listed below.  Basically by looking at the following examples the kids are decomposing to group make tens and ones by adding like place values.

Ex:   31 + 6 = 52 + 12 =
        ↙ ↘   ↘                                   ↙ ↘   ↙ ↘
     30 + (1 + 6) =                          50  2  10  2
     30 + 7 =  37                           (50+10) + (2+2) =
                                                         60   +  4  = 64

Branch addition worksheet
Branch addition worksheet
Branch addition worksheet
IXL S.5 a.m./p.m.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Slideshow presentations

Thank you all for showing up to support your wonderful children while they presented their slideshows. The first graders worked really hard researching, typing, editing and animating these amazing presentations.

The slide shows can be found from the navigation bar under the animal presentation link.

Thanks again for your support!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Math News from Miss Garcia

Happy Monday Bighorns!

We are back into a full 4 day work week.  Our math class will continue to focus on telling time and working on “high number” facts.  The 1st graders are doing a great job working with “o’clock” time, we will continue to work with half past 7 or 7:30.  The students need to know that vocabulary.

As a class we will also discuss estimating time: it is almost 8:00 or it is about 8:30.  The kids are required to be able to tell “about” what time it is.  However, it is NOT a standard that is graded on their report card.

We often hear from the higher level teachers 4-6th that the students have a very hard time telling time...this is the new generation.  They can read a digital clock on computers, cell phones, tablets etc.  However, it is VERY important that all students are able to tell time on an analog clock.  The kids have asked many clarifying questions about how to tell time!

This is our last full week of February and we only have 3 weeks until until the end of 3rd Quarter!!!

IXL -S.4 Read clocks/write times
IXL - Time worksheet
IXL - S.6 Times of everyday events
IXL - P.2 Describing patterns (review)

Quarter 3 --- week 8

Wow how time flies! We have almost complete the 3 quarter of school.  The school year is flying by and the first graders are almost 2nd graders.

Save the Date
On Thursday, February 25, 2016

All 1st grade students at Oasis Academy will be presenting their animal slideshows that they have created.  They have been researching their assigned animal and are now ready to share what they have learned.

Please come anytime between 1:00 and 1:40

Students will be performing in the "dungeon" which is the building where the book fair was held right next to the OLD school entrance. 
Please plan on parking in the big parking lot in front of Louie's Dollar Plus.

You are welcome to take your child home at 1:40 after they are done presenting.

We hope to see you on Thursday, the kids are so excited!

A email also went home from Mrs. Loop with this information.  

Last week in first grade...
  • we practiced our slideshows and added animation to them.
  • we created a diorama showing the animals habitat and what they eat.
  • we practiced making complex/compound interrogative and declarative sentences.
  • we also learned some interesting facts about our former presidents.
This week we will...
  • share our slideshows with the 2nd graders
  • begin our poetry unit
  • continue to write compound/complex sentences
*** Our Spelling pattern this week will be ay (the cool dudes).

On Thursday we were invited to watch the middle school kids present their simple machine projects. The first and 2nd graders had a lot of fun watching these great projects.  Here are some pictures from this fun event. 

Have a Great Week!!!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 7

Hello First Grade!

We hope you had a fun, fabulous and relaxing 4 day weekend!  This week will go by quickly due to our extra day of vacation.

Here is bulletin board Mrs. Loop's, Miss Garcia's, Mrs. Bloomfield's and our class made with all the reasons we love reading!!! It is hanging in the hallway be sure to check it out if you are in the area!!!

Last week we in Grade:
  • first graders added pictures to their slide shows
  • we learned about the reason we celebrate Presidents Day
  • We added knowledge about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
  • We wrote about what we would do if we were the president.
This week we will....
  • add animation to our slideshows
  • practice presenting the slide shows with our partners and share them with Mrs. Loops class.
  • make a diorama of the animal they researched.
  • during Daily 5 we will practice writing complex sentences.
  • use 5 star sentences to write a narrative story.
  • due to the short week we will not work on a spelling pattern.

In math we will continue to practice the skills needed in order to decompose/compose numbers.  However, our main focus will be telling time to the hour and half hour!  The students are very interested in telling time, we have been reading the digital clock in the classroom.  We also have an analog clock and their inquisitive brains have asked about a clock with Roman Numerals!  Wow!

Some of the Key Vocabulary will include:
analog, digital, hour, minute, half hour, half past

Analog Clock Digital Clock Roman Numeral Clock

Homework for the Week of February 16-18th…

IXL S.2 - Match a digital time
Telling time worksheet
IXL - S.3 -match analog and digital clocks
Mark Your Calendar
1st grade student will be sharing their animal slideshows on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, in the afternoon before student dismissal.  The exact time and location will be updated soon!

Have a Great Week!!!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss. Garcia

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 6

Happy Monday!!!

Last week in first grade...

  • We worked on our non-fiction slide shows.  We are working with our partners to type all our great information.
  • We learned more about conjunctions and complex sentences
  • We read books about the different categories of animals and answered and asked questions about each group.
  • Wrote complex declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory 5 star sentences.
This week...
  • Our spelling pattern will be ime words.
  • We will continue to work on our slide shows. We will be finishing our typing and adding pictures. We will be presenting  these to our families in the next couple of weeks so be sure to check back for the time and date.
  • We will begin learning about the job of the president. We will learn all about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington.
  • First Graders will continue to write valentines to our classmates. Look for these wonderful bucket fillers in their binders.

We will not be celebrating Valentines this year, due to the fact that it falls on a weekend. Students will not be allowed to pass out Valentines.  

Next Monday is Presidents day! We will not have school!  Enjoy your long weekend!!

News from Mrs. Garcia
1st Grade Blog - Week 24

First Graders are continuing to work on decomposing and composing numbers to make a group of 10 and a group of 20!  This has been a challenging concept for many of the students to “get.”  We continue to practice these concepts and this week the students will work in pairs to create the steps to solve problems and then will present their equation to the class and explain the 4 steps that they need to take in order to compose a 10 or 20!

The kids continue to work on fact fluency through work with “high number” activities.  Students work on their “high number” for 10 minutes daily.  In this 3rd quarter, first graders are being assessed weekly.  It’s exciting to watch the first graders build fact fluency!!  They are becoming very competitive, and are aware of their high number.

Friday, February 12th is President Lincoln’s Birthday and Monday, February 15th is President Washington’s Birthday.  I wonder if we could figure out how old each President would be…?

IXL B.17 Adding 3 Numbers
IXL B.19 Related Addition Facts
IXL F.7 Addition & Subtraction true or false
No Homework due to assessment.

Have A Great Week!!!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Monday, February 1, 2016

Math News Quarter 3 week 5

Snowman, Winter, Snowmen

Dear Bighorn Families,

BBBRRR, what a wonderful, wintery weekend!  Miss Garcia and myself hope that everyone was able to take advantage of the opportunity to play in the snow right in our own backyard!!  It was great to drive through town and see all the unique snowpeople adorning local yards.

First Grade students have been busy with our continued work on decomposing and composing numbers to make a ten, adding 3 one-digit numbers being sure to show work (look for numbers that make ten, look for numbers that are easy to add), and solving word problems that involve adding 3 one-digit numbers.  Students will assess on these skills on Tuesday.  

First Grade students have been busy working on fact fluency through work with “high number” activities.  Students work on their “high number” for 10 minutes daily.  In this 3rd quarter, first graders are being assessed weekly.  It’s exciting to watch the first graders build fact fluency!!


Test Review Worksheet
IXL B.18 Word Problems Adding Three Numbers
IXL F.6 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
IXL F.8 Ten More or Less
We are looking forward to a fabulous week!


Mrs. Bloomfield

Miss Garcia