Sunday, December 18, 2016

Quarter 2 -- Week 9

We are down to the last 4 days of school before Winter Break!  We can see and feel all of the “hustle and bustle” of the holidays! This week we will be finishing up assessments so report cards will be sent home shortly after we return from Christmas break.

December 22
  Our last day of school before break will be Thursday, December 22. All first and second graders will be participating in Christmas Around the World activities on this day. The first and second grade teachers have been busy planning fun learning and craft activities for this fun day. Also on this day students DO NOT have to wear their uniforms to school. Instead they can wear holiday related clothing.
Last Week in First Grade We...
  • continued learning about sound, vibrations, and pitch.  Students made cup-a-phones and wrote about how they worked and watched and listened to glasses filled with water made different sounds.
  • reviewed nonfiction text features.
  • reviewed identifying nouns and verbs in sentences.
  • began writing appreciations for individual students for Christmas gifts to each other.
This Week in First Grade We Will...
  • review nonfiction text features and begin assessing who can find and use the table of contents, index, and glossary of a book.
  • continue our Science project on Sound and Light and learn about pitch and how light is illuminated.
  • not have spelling words this week.  Instead we will begin completing report card assessments.
  • Due to assessments students will not have a regular reading book to read each night.  Please have your child read a book of their choice and complete the reading log. 

Image result for thank you
Thank you to all the families that came to enjoy our drama play. The first graders worked hard on this play and did a wonderful job.  Here are a few pictures of this fun event. 

News from Miss Garcia
Last week the 1st grades student completed an assessment on shapes and their defining attributes.  Both classes did a fantastic job overall, I am very proud of you!  Our classes focused on place value and comparing 2 - two-digit numbers last week.  Students worked hard telling how many “tens” and “ones” are used to make a 2 digit number, while also drawing a pictorial model to match.  They completed a mini - assessment Thursday on these two objectives.   This week we review gathering data in order to create tally charts, bar graphs and pictographs.  We will also work on problem solving; What information we need to know?  Do we add or subtract?  How can we restate the question?  This week is also the last 4 days of the 2nd quarter.  Part of our week will be spent completing report card assessments.  The second quarter report cards will go home in January, after the students have returned to school.

Week 18 Homework
Dec. 19th- 20th
O.1 Record data with tally charts, picture graphs and tables
O.2 Interpret data with tally charts, picture graphs and tables
E.12 Add 3 numbers - word problems
No Homework - Merry Christmas!

Enjoy the Christmas Season and Winter Break with your families. Miss Garcia and I look forward to seeing all of you on Monday, January 9th 2017!

Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Quarter 2 -- Week 8 -- Slideshow and information

Dear First Grade Parents,

Happy Monday!  There are only two weeks left until Christmas Break.  It will go by quickly and we will continue to read, write and work on math everyday.  Please make sure that your child is at school everyday so they do not miss out on any learning and special projects.  

Thursday, December 22nd, Oasis Academy will be having a “Celebration Day” for ALL of the hard work and dedication that the 3rd through 8th grade students who had to take the “Smarter Balance” and End of Course exams last spring.  Our students did a fantastic job on the assessments and Mrs. Mackedon granted us a special holiday activity day.  Students can dress in “Holiday Attire,” they do NOT have to wear their Oasis Uniforms that day.  All first and second graders will be participating in Christmas Around the World lessons and activities on December 22.  More information will be sent out about that day soon.  All first and second grade teachers are planning some fun activities to learn more about new places and their traditions. 

Snow Day Slide Show!!!
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Drama Performance
Thursday, December 15 at 1:30 in Mrs. Rowlett's room -- first graders will be preforming their drama play. They have worked so hard all quarter practicing this fun play to preform for you. We hope you will be able to join us for this fun event. Please  note the time change.

Last week in first grade we...
  • began our sound and light science project.  Students went on a listening walk around the school, learned about our 5 senses, and made a kazoo to demonstrate sound vibrating.
  • wrote a final draft using our graphic organizer that we completed about our favorite toy and giving reasons why it is our favorite.
  • practiced identifying characters, setting, problem, and solution of a story read aloud.
  • decorated a paper Christmas tree and wrote a declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentence about the tree.
  • completed a directed drawing of a reindeer that are proudly hanging in the hallway. The kids did such a good job on their drawings!!
This week we will...
  • review the 4 types of sentences, especially imperative sentences which seem to be the most confusing.
  • review nonfiction text features and begin assessing who can find and use the table of contents, index, and glossary of a book.
  • review verbs and nouns and complete a verb assessment.
  • continue practicing putting words into ABC order.
  • continue our Science project on Sound and Light and learn about pitch and how light is illuminated.
  • not have spelling words this week.  Instead we will begin completing report card assessments.
Math News
Last week our 1st grade class continued to work with shapes.  Your child should be able to distinguish between and open vs. closed shape, count edges (sides) and vertices (corners) of a shape and compare shapes to everyday objects.  For example: a tissue box could be a cube or a rectangular prism and it could either have a “face” that is a square or a rectangle.  We planned on assessing last Thursday however, Mrs. Bloomfield and I didn’t feel that the kids were ready so they will complete their assessment on Monday.

We played “I’m Thinking of a Shape,” which is an activity you can play at home.  You give the “rule” of the shape and the kids draw that given shape.  
I am thinking of a shape with zero sides and zero vertices…(circle/oval).
I am thinking of a shape with 3 edges and 3 vertices…(triangle).
Week 17 Homework
Dec. 12th- 15th
Workbook pages 107 & 108
Workbook pages 111 & 112
Workbook pages 117 & 118
IXL A.6 Counting by 10’s up to 100
Have a Great Week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Quarter 2 Week 7

Dear First Grade Families, 

We had a fun week of learning last week.  I was excited to see how many students choose to read over Thanksgiving break. The kids loved getting a surprise when they returned to school on Monday. 

Last week in first grade...

  • The Kiwanis visited all the kindergarden and first grades to gift them a book.  

  • We finished our "Me on the Map & Who is in charge"  flip books. They are hanging in the hallway for the week. Students will be bringing them home soon.
  • We began learning about the 4 types of sentences -- declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, and imperative.
  • We reviewed common, proper and possessive nouns and completed an assessment to show our understanding of each type of noun.
  • We explored facts from opinions. Students completed a graphic organizer to write their opinion on the toy everybody should get for Christmas. 
This week we will...
  • begin a project on sound and vibrations.
  • write a final draft about the best toy for Christmas using our graphic organizers. 
  • identify the characters, setting, problem and solution of a story read aloud. 


What:   Our Drama Performance
When:  December 15 at 1:00
Where:  Room 2 (Mrs. Rowlett's Class room)
When the drama performance is over you may take your child home with you.

Math news from Miss Garcia

This week the first graders focused on both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes.  As a class we named 2-dimensional shapes, drew and discussed open vs. closed shapes and counted sides and vertices of shapes.  The students were also able to compose a new shape using a set of 2-dimensional shapes such as triangles, squares, trapezoids and parallelograms.

2-dimensional shapes 3-dimensional shapes

Week 16 Homework
Dec. 5th - Dec. 8th
IXL - V.2 Select the 2-Dimensional shape
IXL - V.4 Compare sides and vertices
IXL - W.10 Shapes of everyday objects part 2
No Homework - due to Shape Assessment
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garica