Happy Monday!!
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week! I want to thank all the wonderful first grade families for everything they do to help out both in our classroom and also at home with your child. We appreciate you!!!
Where did the time go??? Can you believe we only have 20 days left of school. It really seems like this year is flying by! We still have so much to do!
Last week in first grade we...
- finished our rough drafts of our small moment narratives.
- practiced using commas when listing and also when writing the date.
- finished our solar patterns unit.
This week we will...
- continue our Narrative Writing unit by adding details to our writing.
- practice spelling words that have the -oil spelling pattern (spoil, boiling, oily)
- begin discussing needs and wants and talk about how money is spent.
- identify root words.
Math news from Miss Garcia
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week! Thank you for ALL that you do to go above and beyond to help your children and the teachers of O.A..
We are down to the last 20 days of school…which is SCARY & EXCITING at the same time! There is still a bunch of math concepts, strategies and assessments to work on and complete. The teachers are also busy re-assessing most concepts taught in order to see if your child has mastered them by the end of the year.
Our focus this week in first grade will be to add two, 2-digit numbers by using 2 different strategies: Branch Addition (which the kids are familiar with) and Arrow Method, which will be a new concept that we will focus on for Wednesday and Thursday. Both examples are listed below.
Branch Method Examples:
Example 31 + 6 = 52 + 12 =
↙ ↘ ↘ ↙ ↘ ↙ ↘
30 + (1 + 6) = 50 2 10 2
30 + 7 = 37 (50+10) + (2+2) =
60 + 4 = 64
Arrow Method Example:
53 + 34 = 1. Start with the bigger addend (53).
+ 30 +4
53 → 83 →87 2. Draw an arrow. Break down the other addend (34) into tens(30)
and ones (4).
3. Above the arrow write a plus sign and the amount of tens (+30).
Write the subtotal.after the arrow (83).
4. Draw another arrow after the subtotal. Above the arrow write a
plus sign and the amount of ones (+4). Write the total (87).
Week 33 Homework
April April 24th - 27th
Branch addition worksheet
Branch addition worksheet
Arrow method worksheet
Arrow method worksheet
Have a great week!!!
Mrs Rowlett & Miss Garcia