Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week 9 -- 10/30/17

Image result for Halloween

Happy Halloween!!

We have a busy, busy week this week. It is Halloween with our costume parade and our party. It is also book fair week and we will have a visit from the Sheriffs office. They will be sharing their job as a community helper with us. Below you will find the dates to remember.

Monday -- visit from the Sheriff's office
Tuesday -- We will visit the book fair to make our wish lists. You may send in money to purchase the items on the wish list or you may visit our book fair on Family  night which is Thursday from 6-8.
Tuesday -- Halloween party at 1:00.
Thursday -- Family Night at the book fair from 6-8. 

**Students will not have any homework on Tuesday!! Have a fun and safe Halloween!!!

Along with all these fun events we will be learning
  •  to use context clues when encountering unknown words.
  •  sort words according to long and short vowel sounds.
  • create our community helper posters to share with our classmates
  • practice closed syllables
  • use format matters and good habits of discussion when participating in classroom discussions and answering questions.
Last week we...
  • All did really well on our spelling test.
  • used the beginning sound to guess unknown words.
  • completed our outlines for our community helper posters.
Math news from Miss Garcia

Well, we are getting better at saying “Commutative Property!”  Last week I had listed the following example.  

Here’s an example of Commutative Property:
7 + 2 = 9
2 + 7 = 9

Now we are taking it one step further by finding the missing addend in an equation.  For example:  __+ 3 = 9 or 6 + __ = 9

Again, this will also lead the 1st graders into working with Fact Families!
Here’s an example of a Fact Family (in which the students will eventually fill in the missing addend,subtrahend, difference or sum:
__ + 2 = 9
2 + __ = 9
9 - __ = 7
9 - 7 = __

Here are a few more examples, this is one way that we set them up in class, in a “Fact Family House.”
Fun Family Activities
Continue to skip count by 10’s, 5’s and even 2’s driving in the car or playing outside.  We learned the “Zero Rule”...Any number added to zero is the same number!  We are also keeping track of Data during or weekly graphs.  Make a family graph at home!

Commutative Property Worksheet
No Homework - Happy Halloween!
Fact Family Worksheet
IXL H.13 Related Subtraction Facts

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Week 8 -- 10/23 Slideshow

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Happy Monday

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. The weather was beautiful!

The temperature is crazy with freezing lows in the morning and highs in the 80's in the afternoons.  This means that we have a lot of clothing layers.  Please make sure to label your child's clothing. It is hard to locate missing clothing if they are not labeled.

We will be celebrating Halloween on Tuesday October 31st.  Your child may wear their costume to school. Please make sure their costume covers as much as their uniform. We will be having a costume parade for the students in the morning and will have a Halloween party in the afternoon from 1:00 to 2:00. If you would like to help out with our celebration please let me know.  We need 2 more volunteers to plan a game or craft for our party.

Last Week in first grade...

  • first graders practice sorting words according to how many syllables they have.
  • Groups worked on their Community Helper projects.  The 6th graders came and helped the first graders find pictures for their projects.
  • We practiced an Earth quake drill.
  • The fire fighters visited and taught us all about fire safety.
  • learned about fiction stories.
  • First graders practiced good habits of discussion
This week we will...
  • Continue to work on our Community Helper projects by creating a poster
  • learn all about non - fiction books
  • Learn about closed syllables (syllables with 1 vowel, followed by 1 or more consonant and the vowel is short)
  • Sort word according to long or short vowel
1st graders will be starting spelling this week. You will find their spelling list for the week in their binders. 1st graders will practice their words in class during Daily 5 each day and will test on these words Thursday. 

Slide show from this week!!

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Math News from Miss Garcia

1st Grade Blog
Week 8 - October 23rd - 26th

At first the students worked with number lines in class by counting on and then writing and equation (6+2=8).  The next day we carried this concept one step further by going out into the hallway to use the “Big” number line.  As we used the number line to count on and add one number to another, we also used the Commutative Property to rewrite our equations!  Let me tell you, that is a mouthful for the kids to say and they usually end up saying “community property.”  We are working on it!

The students are better at writing the Commutative Property than saying it!
Here’s an example of Commutative Property:
7 + 2 = 9
2 + 7 = 9

By introducing the students to the Commutative Property this concept will soon lead into Fact Families which we will be learning about soon.
Here’s an example of a Fact Family:
7 + 2 = 9
2 + 7 = 9
9 - 2 = 7
9 - 7 = 2

Fun Family Activities
Skip count by 10’s, 5’s and even 2’s driving in the car or playing outside.  Also work on counting on from any number up to 100.  Another fun activity is using a deck of cards or UNO cards and flipping two cards and comparing them using greater than, less than, equal too or taking two playing cards and writing them into an equation and adding them together.
Worksheet - T or F  Equations
IXL F.1 Subtract with Pictures Up to 10
IXL F.2 Subtraction Sentences Up to 10
IXL F.4 Subtract 0 and All

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Up coming events

Hi first grade families, 

I hope everyone has had a great week so far.  Here are a couple up coming events I wanted to let you know about.

On Thursday It is the "Great Nevada Shake Out" at 10:15 we will be practicing an earth quake drill. Earthquakes are our greatest disaster risk in Fallon.  Please talk with your child about what to do if they are at home and an earthquake occurs.

Tuesday October 31  -- Halloween -- Students may dress up in a costume.  Their costume must cover as much as their uniforms would cover.  We will also be having a Halloween party from 1:00-2:00.  If any parent would like to help plan or come and help out please let me know.  Craft stations and games are always fun. We will keep sweet treats to a minimum. 

Fallon Girls Basketball is looking for girls to play on their league this year.  This is a really fun, stress free sport. They have practice one day a week and a game one day a week for only about an hour.  If interested here is the link to their page:

Have a great Wednesday Night!!!
Mrs. Rowlett

Sunday, October 15, 2017

week 7 10/16

Happy Monday!!

Please send your child to school with a sweatshirt and make sure to label everything!  This is the time of year when water bottles and sweatshirts start to fill up OA’s Lost & Found!

Last week we began writing in our journals during work on writing time in the morning.  The kids were super excited to get their journals and be able to write in them.  We listened to a story called Rhyming Dust Bunnies  and the students got to practice rhyming.  They all created their own rhyming dust bunny also. Our class is doing a good job with this tricky concept. However, they can still use a bit of practice.  I would recommend while driving in the car say a word aloud to your child and ask them to say a word that rhymes with it.  Focus on real words at first and then allow them to say made up words as well that rhyme. We also finished our how to make applesauce writing. They 1st graders worked really hard on these.

Next week we will begin our Community Helper project. Students will work in groups and become an expert on one community helper. Each group will teach the rest of the class and present to other grade level the information they learned about their community helper. Students will create a item to show their appreciation to the different community helpers. We will also begin looking at "closed syllables" which are syllables with 1 vowel followed by 1 or more consonant and the vowel is short (put, com, fat, jack).

Math News from Miss Garcia
The first graders have been working telling number stories.  Then they put their number story into a Number Bond or an equation.  We have been focusing on Math vocabulary such as: add, equals, altogether and count on.  

This week the first grade students will be using a number line to count on from a number and also to solve an equation.  All first graders have a number line in their binder to use as a resource.

Example:  4 + 3 = __
Have your child start at number four and count on three more numbers to land on the sum of 7.
Example 4 + 3 = 7

C.2 Adding 2
Worksheet - adding on to find a sum
J.2 Which sign makes the number sentence true?
J.7 Addition & subtraction sentences: True or False

Have a great week!!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 6 - 10/9/17

Hello first grade families,

Time is flying by in first grade!!! I can not believe that we are already in the 6th week of school.  First graders have been really busy this week. We finally finished up our introducing our friends project.  The students did such a great job working together to gather information about their friends and then presenting their friends and posters to the whole group.  Each student now has a poster hanging in our room.  We will refer to these posters all year when we are writing as there are so many great words that have been shared on the posters that we can use to write about. They will serve as wonderful resources when we are writing words that we are unsure of how to spell. 



Last week we started our guided reading groups. Your child now has a plastic Velcro envelope in their binder. This will contain their reading book for the night a long with reading log. The book in their binder is a familiar book that they read in class that day so each student should be fluent when reading the book. It usually will not take the entire 20 minutes to read. After student read their book in the pouch please choose other book to read to complete the 20 minutes of reading. The book needs to be returned to school the next day. Complete the reading log with one 1 entry per night. When the student reach 20 nights of reading they will receive a reading reward.

B and D Reversals:
This is a common problem in first grade and not a huge worry but we are working on bringing attention to the subtle differences between these letters to students. Here is a resource you can refer to at home.
Last week in first grade we...
  • Determined the difference between fact and opinion.
  • We tasted different types of apples and decided on our favorite type.
  • We wrote an opinion piece about our favortie apple type (these are hanging in the hall so if you are in the building stop by and have a look)
  • We made apple sauce and noted the steps involved in making applesauce.
  • Worked really hard on rhyming words.
  • We learned that when answering a question we have to use FORMAT MATTERS -- Which means to use complete sentences and good grammar when answering a question.
  • We also used our senses to write about the season of fall.

This week in first grade we will...
  • Write the steps involved to make applesauce.
  • begin our community helper project.
  • look at the beginning sounds of words.
  • continue to explore and practice Format Matters in our discussions.
  • Learn about the chunking strategy when reading to help read multi syllabic words.
Math News From Miss Garcia

The first grade students took their first summative assessment of the quarter.  The students were expected to insert missing numbers into a sequence, count by multiples of 10, compare numbers using <,>,=, and determine if an equation is true or false. Overall, Mrs. Bloomfield and I were very excited to see the growth that they have made in the first 6 weeks!

Keep in mind that some skills are easy to practice at home or in the car such as counting from 1 to 100, skip counting by 10’s and 5’s as well as being able to count on from any number.  For example start at the number 32 then count on 33, 34, 35, 36...etc.  

Don’t panic if your child is writing numbers in reverse.  It is very common for them to write numbers such as 2,3,5,6 and 7 in reverse.  This is developmental up until 2nd grade.  Call their attention to the number that they have written incorrectly and ask them to flip their number or re-write it correctly.

Homework October 9th - 12th
IXL M.3 Place Value Models to 100
IXL D.1 Addition facts - sums to 10
Worksheet  Adding with a Number Line
IXL D.5 Addition Word Problems to 10

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 5 -- Homework - Slide show

Image result for fall clipart
Happy Monday!!!

    I can't believe we are already in the 5th week of school. First graders are really getting in to the groove. All of our routines and procedures are in place and we are completely ready to begin our Daily 5 rotations and reading groups.

Here are a few items to address in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade:

  1. Kissing - obviously kissing and hugging between students is NOT allowed at Oasis Academy.  Mrs. Tisdale and Mrs. Mackedon came to each classroom to address this “issue.”  If students are caught, they will miss recess for 1 week.
  2. Reporting - I am here to teach your child and keep them safe.  If a situation comes up I  need to know as soon as possible.  I cannot help your child if I don’t know about the situation that has occurred..
  3. FERPA  (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) - I cannot speak with you about another child.  This violates a law that protects your child.
Last Week in first grade...
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  • We finished up our project on introducing our classmates. The students did a great job working together to gather information and write about each student in our group. They also showed great Habits of Discussion and Format Matters when presenting their information to the class.
  • We completed our last TRIBES agreement of appreciations: Students learned how important it is to show appreciations for the people we are around and how it fills peoples hearts (buckets) when they feel appreciated.
  • We have been working hard on phonics and the sounds letter and letter combinations make. We have been stretching, and rhyming words.
This week we will...
  • be exploring the wonderful season of fall by using our senses to describe the season
  • taste, graph and describe different types of apples. We will write an opinion piece on our favortie apples. We will also be making applesauce and writing a how to piece about the process.
  • begin to focus in on a great strategy called Format Matters which reminds students to use complete sentences by restating the question when answering questions or discussing topics in groups.
Homework --
We will begin reading groups this week.  Your child will be bringing home a book in a plastic velcro envelope in their binders.  Please make sure your child read's this book along with other books to reach 20 minutes of reading each night.

Math News from Miss Garcia

Happy Monday!  As we  head into another full week of school please remember to support your child’s learning by completing reading and math homework daily.  Several students have not been completing their IXL assignments and this affects their “work ethic” grade on their report card. If students don't get their IXL completed they will go to study hall during their specials time.

Mrs. Bloomfield and I are enjoying your first grade students.  They are able to make real life connections with math concepts.  They also enjoy working with small groups on math activities.  I was amazed when they came up with 10 different strategies to model the number “14.”

Last week the first graders worked with number bonds.  We focused on finding the whole number and introduced number bonds that displays only “whole, part” and the students must use strategies to find the missing part.  It was a bit challenging however, hard work pays off and soon they will master this concept!  Looking forward into this week we will continue this missing Part, Part, Whole concept along with counting on from any number to 100, comparing numbers and plan on having our first short assessment on Thursday!

Homework Week 5: October 2 - 5
Number Bond Worksheet a-g
Basketball Bond Worksheet
IXL E.1 Add Doubles with models
No Homework due to assessment

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