Welcome to the first week of first grade!!!
The first week of school is upon us!!! I am super excited for school to start and for the chance to work with all the wonderful first graders this year. I will meet the students on the playground when the whistle blows. Remind your first grader to look for me. We will line up and begin our morning routines.
Please make sure your child has a snack for our morning snack break/recess. It may be helpful to tell your child what their snack is and to pack it separately from their lunch. Also, Please mark your child's snack with their name. Make sure your child's name is on everything that comes to school and please, leave toys at home.
Don't forget to have your child return their white binder received at "Back to School Night" with all the important papers completed as soon as possible.
I forgot to mention that I will keep our blog updated with all their homework, including that from Ms. Garcia's math class.
I am looking forward to a Super School year!
Mrs. Rowlett