Dear Bighorn Families,
BBBRRR, what a wonderful, wintery weekend! Miss Garcia and myself hope that everyone was able to take advantage of the opportunity to play in the snow right in our own backyard!! It was great to drive through town and see all the unique snowpeople adorning local yards.
First Grade students have been busy with our continued work on decomposing and composing numbers to make a ten, adding 3 one-digit numbers being sure to show work (look for numbers that make ten, look for numbers that are easy to add), and solving word problems that involve adding 3 one-digit numbers. Students will assess on these skills on Tuesday.
First Grade students have been busy working on fact fluency through work with “high number” activities. Students work on their “high number” for 10 minutes daily. In this 3rd quarter, first graders are being assessed weekly. It’s exciting to watch the first graders build fact fluency!!
Test Review Worksheet
IXL B.18 Word Problems Adding Three Numbers
IXL F.6 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
IXL F.8 Ten More or Less
We are looking forward to a fabulous week!
Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia