Thursday is Pajama Day
Your children may wear pajama's to school IF they make a donation to childhood cancer. This is a community wide event, with ALL proceeds going to the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation. We are asking for a minimum donation of $1, but of course will take any amount. Please remember, the pajama's MUST cover as much skin as the school uniform would otherwise parents will be called.
"There is more treasure in BOOKS than all the loot on Treasure Island"~Walt Disney
Monday, September 26, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Week 7 - September 26th - 29th
Hello First Grade Families,
I want to remind all of you to return your completed Community Helper paper doll to school by Thursday, September 29. This paper doll should resemble one of the student's parents at work, as all parents help our community and are essentially Community Helpers. Take some time to write about your job as well. Both the paper dolls and your writing about your job will be shared in class and hung up in the hallway for all to see. If you want a paper doll to complete for each parent please contact me and I will be happy to send home another paper doll.
Last week we began writing in our journals during work on writing time in the morning. The kids were super excited to get their journals and be able to write in them. We listened to a story called Rhyming Dust Bunnies and the students got to practice rhyming. They all created their own rhyming dust bunny also. This surprisingly is a hard concept for most of the students in our class. I would recommend while driving in the car say a word aloud to your child and ask them to say a word that rhymes with it. Focus on real words at first and then allow them to say made up words as well that rhyme.
This week we also began learning about syllables in words and learned three different ways to determine how many syllables are in a word. Click on the link below to see the short video explaining the three ways that the students learned about.
This week students will complete their writing to a Community Helper who we have been studying about. The local Community Helpers that we have been studying include police officers, firefighters, paramedics, doctors, nurses, and sailors. We will complete our appreciation letters this week and will plan on presenting these to the local agencies in the near future.
We will also begin spelling tests this week. Students will be working on the following word families this week: -at and -ap. Students will be introduced to their words on Monday and they will be making a book with pictures that match the assigned word families on Mondays and Tuesdays in class. They will bring their books home to practice reading and they can practice spelling the words in their books. All students will be assessed on their spelling words on Thursday mornings.It’s officially Fall. Please send your child to school with a sweatshirt and make sure to label everything! This is the time of year when water bottles and sweatshirts start to fill up OA’s Lost & Found!
Math News
Happy Monday!
The first graders have been working telling number stories. Then they put their number story into a Number Bond or an equation. We have been focusing on Math vocabulary such as: add, equals, altogether and count on.
This week the first grade students will be using a number line to count on from a number and also to solve an equation. All first graders have a number line in their binder to use as a resource.
Example: 4 + 3 = __
Have your child start at number four and count on three more numbers to land on the sum of 7.
Example 4 + 3 = 7
C.2 Adding 2
Worksheet - adding on to find a sum
J.2 Which sign makes the number sentence true?
J.7 Addition & subtraction sentences: True or False
It will be a busy week! ~ Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garica
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Week 6 Information and Pictures
Hello First Grade Families,
School Pictures are scheduled this week! We will be getting our pictures taken on Thursday at 1 pm. We have wonderful mothers who volunteer every year during picture time and they make sure that every child's hair looks amazing before they get their pictures taken. So please do not worry that the pictures are scheduled in the afternoon. EVERY child will be getting their picture taken whether they plan on buying pictures or not. We want every child in our class photo.
Book orders are due on Friday, September 23. If you are interested in purchasing books for your child please submit an order online or to me by Friday.
A look at Last Week...
Last week we began learning about community helpers. We learned what a community helper is and the kids each chose a community helper that they wanted to be and wrote about why they chose that community helper. These are hanging in the hallway. Many students wrote about wanting to be a police officer, firefighter, teacher, vet, and dentist. We did have a few choose farmers and dairymen as well. We watched short videos and heard stories read aloud about police officers, firefighters, paramedics, doctors and nurses and then we completed circle maps about them just like we did when we were completing our friend journals. We will continue to learn about sailors this week as the Navy is the branch of the military that we are most familiar with here in Fallon. The students will be choosing one of the community helpers that we have completed circle maps for and write appreciation letters to them later in the week.
This Week We will...
This week your child will be bringing home a family community helper project that you will need to complete with them. Both first grade classes at Oasis Academy are bringing home a person template for each parent to help decorate to show what job they do in our community. Be on the lookout for the information that will accompany the person template.
We also worked on sorting picture cards according to their vowel sounds. The kids had fun with this activity as I had them work in groups of 2 or 3 and when they were done sorting their cards they had to take a picture of their work with my cell phone. The pictures that I had on my phone at the end of the day were pretty entertaining as the kids obviously had fun posing for their pictures! I am posting a few below.
School Pictures are scheduled this week! We will be getting our pictures taken on Thursday at 1 pm. We have wonderful mothers who volunteer every year during picture time and they make sure that every child's hair looks amazing before they get their pictures taken. So please do not worry that the pictures are scheduled in the afternoon. EVERY child will be getting their picture taken whether they plan on buying pictures or not. We want every child in our class photo.
Book orders are due on Friday, September 23. If you are interested in purchasing books for your child please submit an order online or to me by Friday.
Last week we began learning about community helpers. We learned what a community helper is and the kids each chose a community helper that they wanted to be and wrote about why they chose that community helper. These are hanging in the hallway. Many students wrote about wanting to be a police officer, firefighter, teacher, vet, and dentist. We did have a few choose farmers and dairymen as well. We watched short videos and heard stories read aloud about police officers, firefighters, paramedics, doctors and nurses and then we completed circle maps about them just like we did when we were completing our friend journals. We will continue to learn about sailors this week as the Navy is the branch of the military that we are most familiar with here in Fallon. The students will be choosing one of the community helpers that we have completed circle maps for and write appreciation letters to them later in the week.
This Week We will...
This week your child will be bringing home a family community helper project that you will need to complete with them. Both first grade classes at Oasis Academy are bringing home a person template for each parent to help decorate to show what job they do in our community. Be on the lookout for the information that will accompany the person template.
We also worked on sorting picture cards according to their vowel sounds. The kids had fun with this activity as I had them work in groups of 2 or 3 and when they were done sorting their cards they had to take a picture of their work with my cell phone. The pictures that I had on my phone at the end of the day were pretty entertaining as the kids obviously had fun posing for their pictures! I am posting a few below.
I am also posting a copy of the short vowel pictures that we are using in first and second grades for the kids to refer to when working with the short vowel sounds. Ask your child to do the gestures with each short vowel picture if they haven't already shown you.
Our specials class this quarter is art. The first graders are having a great time creating beautiful art projects. This week they made 3-D art. Here is picture of their creations
A few more pictures of our wonderful work!
Math News!!!
Week 6
September 19-22
The first grade students took their first summative assessment of the quarter. The students were expected to insert missing numbers into a sequence, count by multiples of 10, compare numbers using <,>,= and also tell which numeral was in the one’s and/or ten’s place and then model that number. Overall, Mrs. Bloomfield and I were very excited to see the growth that they have made in the first 6 weeks! Way to go first graders!!
Keep in mind that some skills are easy to practice at home or in the car such as counting from 1 to 100, skip counting by 10’s and 5’s as well as being able to count on from any number. For example start at the number 32 then count on 33, 34, 35, 36...etc.
Don’t panic if your child is writing numbers in reverse. It is very common for them to write numbers such as 2,3,5,6 and 7 in reverse. This is developmental up until 2nd grade. Call their attention to the number that they have written incorrectly and ask them to flip their number or re-write it correctly.
Homework September 19-22
IXL B.1 Add With Pictures Up to 10
IXL M.3 Place Value Models to 100
Worksheet Greater Than and Less Than
IXL K.3 Compare Numbers to 100
Have a great Week!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Week 5 - September 12
Hello First Grade Families,
Last week we finished interviewing each student for our friend journals that we have been working on since the beginning of the school year. Every student has a poster hanging up in the room with some facts that were shared about them. We will refer to these posters all year when we are writing as there are so many great words that have been shared on the posters that we can use to write about. They will serve as wonderful resources when we are writing words that we are unsure of how to spell.
This week we will begin meeting in reading groups. Your child will practice reading their books in class daily and they will be expected to read them aloud at home each night. You will find your child's reading book in the plastic envelope in their binder. Please have your child RETURN their book and binder to school each day as they will receive a new book daily. There will also be a reading log that you will need to sign each night after they read their book aloud so that I know that they took the time to read it. Please support your child's efforts to become a better reader this year and encourage them to read to you nightly. The books that they will be bringing home will have already been read to me in class so the book should be fairly easy for them to read aloud to you at home each night
This will be a fun week of learning. We will continue to have the opportunity to listen to reading at school as one of our Daily 5 choices. I will send information home in the upcoming weeks regarding the sites that we are visiting for listen to reading. I want the students to get comfortable visiting the websites in class before I allow them to visit them at home. We will begin learning about Community Helpers which coincides nicely with 9/11. Your child will be learning about many first responder jobs by listening to books read aloud and watching short videos about them. As a class we will be making circle maps about these jobs so that students can use them when writing about them.
Have a great Week!
Last week we finished interviewing each student for our friend journals that we have been working on since the beginning of the school year. Every student has a poster hanging up in the room with some facts that were shared about them. We will refer to these posters all year when we are writing as there are so many great words that have been shared on the posters that we can use to write about. They will serve as wonderful resources when we are writing words that we are unsure of how to spell.
This week we will begin meeting in reading groups. Your child will practice reading their books in class daily and they will be expected to read them aloud at home each night. You will find your child's reading book in the plastic envelope in their binder. Please have your child RETURN their book and binder to school each day as they will receive a new book daily. There will also be a reading log that you will need to sign each night after they read their book aloud so that I know that they took the time to read it. Please support your child's efforts to become a better reader this year and encourage them to read to you nightly. The books that they will be bringing home will have already been read to me in class so the book should be fairly easy for them to read aloud to you at home each night
This will be a fun week of learning. We will continue to have the opportunity to listen to reading at school as one of our Daily 5 choices. I will send information home in the upcoming weeks regarding the sites that we are visiting for listen to reading. I want the students to get comfortable visiting the websites in class before I allow them to visit them at home. We will begin learning about Community Helpers which coincides nicely with 9/11. Your child will be learning about many first responder jobs by listening to books read aloud and watching short videos about them. As a class we will be making circle maps about these jobs so that students can use them when writing about them.
Math News from Miss Garcia
Happy Monday! As we head into another full week of school please remember to support your child’s learning by completing reading and math homework daily. Several students have not been completing their IXL assignments and this affects their “work ethic” grade on their report card. It is hard to believe that 1st Quarter ends on October 13th, which seems far away however, it will be here before we know it!
Mrs. Bloomfield and I are enjoying your first grade students. They are able to make real life connections with math concepts. They also enjoy working together and were all a little “shocked” when we completed a short assessment on how many strategies that they could use to model the number ‘13.’
Last week the first graders worked with number bonds. We focused on finding the whole number and introduced number bonds that displays only “whole, part” and the students must use strategies to find the missing part. It was a bit challenging however, hard work pays off and soon they will master this concept! Looking forward into this week we will continue this missing Part, Part, Whole concept along with counting on from any number to 100, comparing numbers and plan on having our Unit 1 assessment either Wednesday or Thursday.
Homework Week 5: September 12-15
IXL B.2 addition sentences to 10
Worksheet pages 29&30
IXL A.14 100 Chart
IXL C.1 Adding 1
Mrs. Rowlett and Mrs. Garcia
Monday, September 5, 2016
Week 4 -- September 6
I hope everyone had a great long weekend.
Last week was a busy week. We learned all about Mutual Respect, No Put-Downs and Appreciations. These concepts go right along with bucket fillers. I hope your child is enjoying reading their poems in their binders. Remember to add a tally each day they read. When they receive 10 tallies they will get a sticker. This is great reading practice until we begin reading groups. We learned a few new phonic secret stories -- ce, ci and cy always make the /s/ sound and ge, gi, gy always say the /j/ sound. We also learned about bossy r - who controls the vowel r is next to for example or can't decide what to choose and always says or, or, or and ar are pirates. These are fun ways to students remember the sounds different letter combinations make.
This week we will continue to learn about our friends. We will learn more secret phonic stories. We will also be adding Listen to reading and word work to our Daily 5 choices. Our Daily 5 routines will be in place by the end of this week which is exciting news. We will be reading through a new poem titled Manners and finding secret phonic stories in the poem. Look for this poem in your child's binder.
Book Orders:
Book orders were sent home. If you would like to order you may place an order on-line or send in money by September 23.
Here is some of our fun work this week...
Math News from Miss Garcia
Have a great week!
Last week was a busy week. We learned all about Mutual Respect, No Put-Downs and Appreciations. These concepts go right along with bucket fillers. I hope your child is enjoying reading their poems in their binders. Remember to add a tally each day they read. When they receive 10 tallies they will get a sticker. This is great reading practice until we begin reading groups. We learned a few new phonic secret stories -- ce, ci and cy always make the /s/ sound and ge, gi, gy always say the /j/ sound. We also learned about bossy r - who controls the vowel r is next to for example or can't decide what to choose and always says or, or, or and ar are pirates. These are fun ways to students remember the sounds different letter combinations make.
This week we will continue to learn about our friends. We will learn more secret phonic stories. We will also be adding Listen to reading and word work to our Daily 5 choices. Our Daily 5 routines will be in place by the end of this week which is exciting news. We will be reading through a new poem titled Manners and finding secret phonic stories in the poem. Look for this poem in your child's binder.
Book Orders:
Book orders were sent home. If you would like to order you may place an order on-line or send in money by September 23.
Here is some of our fun work this week...

Math News from Miss Garcia
Happy Tuesday and welcome back from Labor Day Weekend. Mrs. Bloomfield and I hope that you had either a fun and relaxing weekend OR a weekend filled with good times and fun!
We hope that you are checking the blog weekly to find out what your child’s IXL math assignments are. There were a few glitches the first two weeks and now it is becoming part of the daily routine. Remember to check the blog for assignments AND if your child is unable to complete an assignment for any reason please let Mrs. Bloomfield or myself know as soon as possible.
In first grade were are working on and modeling Part, Part, Whole. Here are a few examples:
Number Bonds lead into both addition and subtraction equations. (Here are examples from the number bonds above)
4 + 3 = 7 3 + 2 = 5
3 + 4 = 7 2 + 3 = 5
Long term examples are listed below: Number bonds also are useful when creating Fact Families for addition/subtraction and also multiplication/division!
IXL/Homework Week 4: September 2-4
Part Part Whole Worksheet
IXL M.1 Place Value Models up to 20
IXL A.11 Counting Forward and backward
Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia
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