Last week was a busy week. We learned all about Mutual Respect, No Put-Downs and Appreciations. These concepts go right along with bucket fillers. I hope your child is enjoying reading their poems in their binders. Remember to add a tally each day they read. When they receive 10 tallies they will get a sticker. This is great reading practice until we begin reading groups. We learned a few new phonic secret stories -- ce, ci and cy always make the /s/ sound and ge, gi, gy always say the /j/ sound. We also learned about bossy r - who controls the vowel r is next to for example or can't decide what to choose and always says or, or, or and ar are pirates. These are fun ways to students remember the sounds different letter combinations make.
This week we will continue to learn about our friends. We will learn more secret phonic stories. We will also be adding Listen to reading and word work to our Daily 5 choices. Our Daily 5 routines will be in place by the end of this week which is exciting news. We will be reading through a new poem titled Manners and finding secret phonic stories in the poem. Look for this poem in your child's binder.
Book Orders:
Book orders were sent home. If you would like to order you may place an order on-line or send in money by September 23.
Here is some of our fun work this week...

Math News from Miss Garcia
Happy Tuesday and welcome back from Labor Day Weekend. Mrs. Bloomfield and I hope that you had either a fun and relaxing weekend OR a weekend filled with good times and fun!
We hope that you are checking the blog weekly to find out what your child’s IXL math assignments are. There were a few glitches the first two weeks and now it is becoming part of the daily routine. Remember to check the blog for assignments AND if your child is unable to complete an assignment for any reason please let Mrs. Bloomfield or myself know as soon as possible.
In first grade were are working on and modeling Part, Part, Whole. Here are a few examples:
Number Bonds lead into both addition and subtraction equations. (Here are examples from the number bonds above)
4 + 3 = 7 3 + 2 = 5
3 + 4 = 7 2 + 3 = 5
Long term examples are listed below: Number bonds also are useful when creating Fact Families for addition/subtraction and also multiplication/division!
IXL/Homework Week 4: September 2-4
Part Part Whole Worksheet
IXL M.1 Place Value Models up to 20
IXL A.11 Counting Forward and backward
Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia