Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quarter 3-- Week 3

Hello First Grade Families,

You may notice teachers wearing yellow scarves this week.  The yellow scarves represent National School Choice Week.  This week is dedicated to raising public awareness of all types of education options for children.  These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling.  Thanks to school choice Oasis Academy is thriving.

Yearbook information was sent out from Mrs. Mackedon via email.  Deadline to order is a yearbook is March 17.

Report cards went home last week.  Please do not hesitate in contacting either Mrs. Garcia at or myself at if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's progress.

  • continued learning about adjectives.
  • read about polar bears and wrote about what they eat and where they live.
  • learned about herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores.
  • practice spelling words with the -ame spelling pattern (frame, blame, came).
  • practice adding adjectives to sentences.
  • watch short videos about polar bears and write some cool facts that we learned.
  • share our knowledge about penguins with Mrs. Loop's class who has been learning about penguins.
  • write facts that they learned about polar bears from Mrs. Loop's class.
  • work with a partner and choose an animal that they would like to begin researching together.
  • begin filling out graphic organizers about their assigned animals to begin making a nonfiction book on their own about their chosen animal.
Math News from Miss Garcia...
We continued to work on non-standard measurement this week.  The first grade students will be able to distinguish between a longer vs. shorter object as well as compare 3 objects by length.  

All week the 1st graders used manipulatives such as: tiles, cubes, paperclips and discs to compare “about” how long a specific object was in length.  They also filled out a table and were required to choose an object to measure, estimate its length and record its actual length.  They then had to discuss their findings with several classroom partners.  Estimation is a difficult concept for 1st graders to understand.

This week, as a class, we will focus on addition of 3 numbers within word problems.  We will begin to compose and decompose to make a sum of ten or greater.  This will also introduce the students to the Associative Property.  

Associative Property:
Add 2 + (6 + 4) = 2 + 10 = 12  
The 6 and 4 can be used to compose a 10.  So.... 2 + 10 = 12

Week 21 Homework
January 23rd - 26th
Worksheet - Adding 3 digits
IXL E.7 - complete the addition sentence: make a 10
IXL E.6 -Add 3 numbers, use doubles
Worksheet - Adding 3 one - digit numbers & decomposing
 Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Mrs. Garcia