Sunday, June 3, 2018

Last Week!!

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Happy Last Week of School!!

It is so hard to believe we are in our final week of the school year.  I am so proud of all of my first graders and the amazing progress they made this year.  It has been so fun to see them grow.  I will miss them so during summer. 

We have a busy week ahead of us.  

REMEMBER TO SEND IN YOUR CHILD'S FIELD DAY PERMISSION SLIP ASAP.  Every student needs a waiver form fill out to participate in field day.

Monday -- Awards Assembly & Popsicle in the park. (Please send a water bottle tomorrow for  our walk to the park).

Tuesday -- 3rd grade will be hosting a market day to sell their items they made. The first graders will be using monopoly money to purchase their great items.  This will also sum up our Economics unit. 

Wednesday -- Drama Play @ 1:30 in our classroom. Report cards, reading calendars, Math fact sheets and your child's writing collections will go home this day. Please look for this in your child's backpack. 

Thursday -- Field Day.  All families received an email from Oasis Academy about Field Day: label towels and clothing, sunscreen your child prior to sending them to school and only one piece swimming suits are acceptable.  A lunch of a hot dog, bag of chips, juice box, and watermelon will be provided free of charge. If your child does not eat hot dogs, send a bagged lunch that doesn’t require a microwave. Please drop off your students by 8:00 and pick up at 2:00!

Summer Reading Reminder
Your child will be bringing home a summer reading log calendar, next week.  
Please initial the days your child reads for 15 or more minutes. Those that
return their calendar in the fall and read at least 40 days will get a prize.

I have loved teaching your child this year. It has been so much fun watching them learn and grow. I look forward to working with them again next year!! Have a wonderful summer.

Thank your for sharing your child with me!!
Mrs. Rowlett

Monday, May 28, 2018

Week 35 -- May 29 - May 31

Happy  Monday!!

Only 7 more days of 1st grade.  All the first graders have worked so hard this year. It has been great getting to see them learn and grow.

All the first graders did an amazing job taking their MAPS testing last week. They all showed amazing growth from the beginning of the year.  Look for your 1st graders growth report with their report card that will be coming home next week.

Here are a couple of reminder….
  • Monday, June 4, 2018 -- Popsicles in the park to celebrate Summer birthdays.
  • Wednesday, June 6-- 8th grade graduation at Venturacci Gym  
  • Wednesday, June 6 @1:30 -- 1st Grade Drama play.
  • Thursday June 7 -- Field day and the last day of school.

Your child will be bringing home a summer reading log calendar, next week.  Please initial the days your child reads for 15 or more minutes. Those that return their calendar in the fall,  will receive a reward.

There will be no math.  Reading homework -- choose a good fit book to read.  I will be accepting reading logs (those that need a few more to get their 20 days for a surprise) until the last day of school.

The buy one get one book fair is open.  They have some great books for summer reading.  They will also have a LOGO wear sale on Wednesday. Be sure to stop by.

Have a great week!!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week 34 -- May 21- May 24

Happy, Happy Monday!

We only have 3 weeks of school left!! Yikes time if just flying by.

Here are a few important dates to remember...

Thursday, May 24 -- 1st Grade MAPS testing

Monday, June 4, 2018 -- Popsicles in the park to celebrate Summer birthdays.

Wednesday, June 6-- 8th grade graduation at Venturacci Gym  
Wednesday, June 6 @1:30 -- 1st Grade Drama play. 

Thursday June 7 -- Field day and the last day of school. 

Last week in first grade we...

  • practiced adding commas to the date and to words in a series.
  • Practiced capitalizing names, months, titles.
  • finished up our personal narrative rough drafts.
  • identified why offspring resembles their parents or relatives. 
This week we will...
  • complete assessments on previous learning.
  • write our final drafts of our personal narratives.
  • learn about money,  banks and consumer and producers. 
Last week was the last week of spelling. Also, please make sure your child continues to read for 20 minutes. We may not meet in formal reading groups these last weeks but it is important to keep reading. 

Math news from Mrs. Garcia...
The countdown is on!  We are officially down to the last 11 days of school.  You will be receiving an email from O.A. about Field Day.  Field Day will be held at Oasis Academy on the last day of school, June 7th, from 8:00 - 2:00.  ALL student are released at 2:00 this day!

Over the next week please have your 1st grader choose an IXL assignment from the 1st grade IXL objectives for math to complete for homework Monday - Thursday.  There will be no assigned homework.  I will be receiving updates through IXL in order to see who has completed assignments throughout the week.  If they choose NOT to complete an assignment each day, they will stay in for study hall.\\

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Dates To Remember

Here are some important dates to remember...

Monday, June 4, 2018 -- Popsicles in the park to celebrate Summer birthdays.

Wednesday, June 6 @1:30 -- 1st Grade Drama play. 

Thursday June 7 -- Field day and the last day of school. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Week 33

Image result for thank you
A big thank you for all the wonderful teacher appreciation gifts.  The teachers were definitely spoiled last week. 

  • This will be our last week for spelling words.  We will continue to have reading groups with homework and fluency/sight words to practice.
  • Spring MAPS testing will be during the week of May 21st.  This will give us a few days for make-up tests, in case of absences.
Last week in first grade:
  • We continued to practice finding the moral/lesson of a fable.
  • We learned how to use commas when writing the date and when making a list.
  • We added details to our small moment stories.
  • We completed some assessments in preparation for report cards.
This week in first grade:
  • We will continue to practice finding the moral of the story in preparation for assessment.
  • We will practice using commas in different ways.
  • We will add the beginning and ending to our small moment stories.
  • We will explore more plant and animal superpowers.
Math News From Miss Garcia
This week we will be reviewing shapes and measurement.  All of the IXL assigned this week deals with number sense.  Please have your 1st grader use the resources in their binder (100’s chart and number line) in order to accurately answer their IXL questions.  They can also use any of the strategies that they have been taught in class and write them out.

Homework for Week 33
May 14th - 17th
IXL - E.9 Add two multiples of 10
IXL - I.4 Subtract a multiple of 10
IXL - D.7 Addition sentences using a number line: sums to 18
IXL - H.12 Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 20
Happy Mother's Day!!

~Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Week 32 --5/7 -- 5/10

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Wow!! We are in week 32 of our school year. It is hard to believe that we only have 20 days left of school.  The days are definitely feeling like summers. Please remember to send a water bottle in with your child.

Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that have been helping out all year and especially during our testing weeks.  We couldn't do it without all the support of the wonderful parents.

Last week in first grade...

  •  we worked really hard on writing our small moment narratives.
  •  First graders also look at animal super powers with the focus on their teeth. 
  • We started to identify and describe the central message
  • We reviewed previous learning and will begin re-assessments this coming week. 
This week we will...
  • Work on our personal narratives.
  • Identify the central message of a story.
  • Review they types of sentences.
  • Determine why animal have camouflage. 

Math news from Miss Garcia

Thank you for ALL that you do to go above and beyond to help your children
and the teachers of Oasis Academy.

We are down to the last 20 days of school…which is SCARY & EXCITING
at the same time!  There is still a bunch of math concepts, strategies and
assessments to work on and complete.  The teachers are also busy re-assessing
most concepts taught in order to see if your child has mastered them by the
end of the year.
Our focus this week in first grade will be to add two, 2-digit numbers by
using 2 different strategies: Branch Addition (which the kids are familiar
with) and Arrow Method, which is a newer concept that we began last
week and will continue to work with again this week.  Both examples
are listed below.

Branch Method Examples:
Example   31 + 6 = 52 + 12 =
                    ↙ ↘ ↘                             ↙ ↘ ↙ ↘
                  30 + (1 + 6) =                            50 2 10 2
30 + 7 = 37       (50+10) + (2+2) =
                                                                              60 + 4 = 64

Arrow Method Example:

53  + 34  =          1. Start with the bigger addend (53).
   + 30     +4
53 83 87        2. Draw an arrow.  Break down the other addend (34) into tens(30)
and ones (4).                                       
                                 3. Above the arrow write a plus sign and the amount of tens (+30).     
Write the subtotal.after the arrow (83).
                                  4. Draw another arrow after the subtotal. Above the arrow write a
plus sign and the amount of ones (+4).  Write the total (87).

Week 32 Homework
Week 32 May 7th - 10th
Arrow method worksheet
Arrow method worksheet
IXL C.7 -Adding 7
IXL C.8 - Adding 8
Have a great week!!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 31 -- 4/30 - 5/3

Image result for sun clip artHappy Monday!! This school year is just flying by.  How can we already be saying hello to May??  We sure are seeing our Nevada weather with the cool/cold mornings and Hot afternoons. It is important to dress in layers. Be sure to label your child's clothing so if it lost it will find its way back to them.

First graders have been busy looking at animal super powers, writing personal narratives, reading fables and reviewing all the learning we have completed so far this year.  

This week in first grade we will...

  • continue to determine the central message of a story.
  • write our personal narratives.
  • look at the animal superpower of camouflage. 
  • review parts of speech.
  • write 5 star sentence.
The big kids will be testing this week so we will have to be super aware of our inside voices.

Math news from Miss Garcia

This week we say goodbye April and hello to May!

Since it is the 3rd trimester, we have already taught most math standards.  At this point, Mrs. Bloomfield and I are focusing re-assessing previous standards as well as pulling in some standards that we previously taught that the students have NOT yet mastered.  With that being said some of the IXL Objectives will be repeated for additional practice.

I know that it is a busy time of year however, please continue to read and complete your daily math homework!  

Arrow Method Example:

53  + 30  =          1. Start with the bigger addend (53).
   + 30    
53 83                    2. Draw an arrow; above the arrow write a +30      

                                 3. Write the total (83).
Week 31 Homework
April 30th - May 3rd
IXL - C.5 Adding 5
Worksheet - Arrow Diagram addition
IXL - U.2 Match analog clocks and times
IXL - C.6 Adding 6
Have a great week!!!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week 30 -- Happy Earth Day!!!

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Dear First Grade Families,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather was beautiful.  The time is flying by. Can you believe we only have 7 more weeks of school left?  

We have had some issues with snacks going missing when it is time for snack recess.  If you can please write your child's name on their snack this will save us some time in the mornings.  Also, please talk with your child about only eating the snack that they bring.  

Last week the first graders were busy, busy, busy!!
  • 1st graders typed their important poems and their favorite poem from their poetry journal.
  • We started our small moments narrative unit.
  • We wrote about spring.
  • 1st graders learned about the moon phases.
  • The students also review 5 star sentences.
This week we will...
  • Look at the SUPERPOWERS of plants and animals, by studying their special features.
  • learn why birds have different shaped beaks.
  • Begin writing our narrative stories.
  • review parts of speech.
Math News from Miss Garcia

Our focus this week in first grade will be: reviewing word problems that include both addition and subtraction within 50, and composing 2-dimensional shapes and tell their defining vs. non-defining attributes.  A new concept will also be introduced called In and Out Tables.  An example is shown below.  

Rule: Add 2
     IN     OUT

If you put in a 1 and add 2 out comes the number 3…
If you put in a 2 and add 2 out comes the number 4…  
If you put in a 3 and add 2 out comes the number 5...and so on.

Week 30 April 23rd - 26th
IXL - W.10 Shapes of everyday objects
IXL - J.6 Addition and subtraction word problems
Worksheet - In and out tables
Worksheet - In and out tables
Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia