A big thank you for all the wonderful teacher appreciation gifts. The teachers were definitely spoiled last week.
- This will be our last week for spelling words. We will continue to have reading groups with homework and fluency/sight words to practice.
- Spring MAPS testing will be during the week of May 21st. This will give us a few days for make-up tests, in case of absences.
Last week in first grade:
- We continued to practice finding the moral/lesson of a fable.
- We learned how to use commas when writing the date and when making a list.
- We added details to our small moment stories.
- We completed some assessments in preparation for report cards.
This week in first grade:
- We will continue to practice finding the moral of the story in preparation for assessment.
- We will practice using commas in different ways.
- We will add the beginning and ending to our small moment stories.
- We will explore more plant and animal superpowers.
Math News From Miss Garcia
This week we will be reviewing shapes and measurement. All of the IXL assigned this week deals with number sense. Please have your 1st grader use the resources in their binder (100’s chart and number line) in order to accurately answer their IXL questions. They can also use any of the strategies that they have been taught in class and write them out.
Homework for Week 33
May 14th - 17th
IXL - E.9 Add two multiples of 10
IXL - I.4 Subtract a multiple of 10
IXL - D.7 Addition sentences using a number line: sums to 18
IXL - H.12 Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 20
Happy Mother's Day!!
~Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia