Happy Monday First Grade Families.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. it is finally feeling like winter out there. Please make sure to write your child's name on their loose clothing articles, it is hard for us to look for and find their clothing if their name is not on it.
Last week in first grade....
- we learned about why Martin Luther Kings was an important man in our history.
- we reviewed all types of nouns. First graders are confusing proper an plural nouns.
- we reviewed open and closed syllables. Have your first grader tell you the difference.
- We worked on non-fiction text features including diagrams, timelines, captions and photographs.
- practiced each of the 4 types of sentences. (declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory)
This week we will...
- Take an assessment on possessive and plural nouns.
- practice writing complex sentences of each type.
- learn about verbs.
- begin a research project on penguins.
- Complete our non fiction text feature book and begin using these features in our books about penguins.
Valentine's Day!!
Valentines day will be on a school day this year. Our class will be exchanging valentines. If your child would like to bring a valentine for each student please have them only sign their names do not put who it is too. This make handing out the cards much quicker. We have 24 kids in our class. Mrs. Jackson and myself will be providing a treat for the kids. We will also play some fun games on that afternoon.
Math News from Miss Garcia
We continued to work on non-standard measurement this week. The first grade students will be able to distinguish between a longer vs. shorter object as well as compare 3 objects by length. They also used rulers to measure to the nearest inch.
All week the 1st graders used manipulatives such as: tiles, cubes, paperclips and discs to compare “about” how long a specific object was in length. They also filled out a table and were required to choose an object to measure, estimate its length and record its actual length. They then had to discuss their findings with several classroom partners. Estimation is a difficult concept for 1st graders to understand.
This week, as a class, we will focus on addition of 3 numbers within word problems. We will begin to compose and decompose to make a sum of ten or greater. This will also introduce the students to the Associative Property.
Associative Property:
Add 2 + (6 + 4) = 2 + 10 = 12
The 6 and 4 can be used to compose a 10. So… 2 + 10 = 12
Week 18 Homework
January 22nd - 25th
Worksheet - Measurement
Worksheet - Addition Towers (adding 3 digits)
IXL E.6 - Add 3 numbers (using doubles facts)
IXL E.8 - Add 3 numbers (compose/make a 10)
Have a wonderful week!!!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia