Dear Bighorns,
Thursday marked the end of our 2nd trimester. I am amazed that we are already 2/3's of the way finished with the school year. Parent conferences are officially scheduled for April 13. However, the 1st and 2nd grade teachers will be offering Conferences on March 23rd as well as April 13. You will be receiving a Sign up Genius with the times that are available. Please sign up for the day that works best for you. If you are unable to meet at the times available please let me know and we can schedule a different time. Also if you don't receive the email please let me know.
Last week in 1st Graders...
- finished up our research projects.
- learned about prepositions and prepositional phrases.
- used conjunctions to combine 2 simple sentences.
- began our poetry unit.
- Practice our slideshows so we can present them to you! Our tentative date for our presentations is Wed. March 21st. please watch for a email coming in the next 2 days.
- Take a few end of the trimester assessments.
- Write some fun poems.
Special Event
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, the Oasis Family Engagement Committee is sponsoring a
Dress Up Day on Thursday, March 15th. For $1 students may wear “street clothes”, the
committee has sent out a flyer with the specific guidelines. Looking forward to seeing lots
of green in 2nd grade this Thursday!
Spring is almost here! The clocks have been set forward! Lacrosse, baseball, and softball
are in full swing! It is getting into the busy time of year! Remember to make time for reading
and math homework. It can be tricky with so much going on but it is important to make time
even when schedules are full!
Due to assessments we may not meet for formal reading groups. Please make sure your child reads 20 minutes nightly.
Math news from Miss Garcia
Happy Monday!
Last week our class worked on odd and even numbers as well as telling 1 more/1 less and 10 more/10 less than a given number.
Week 25 Homework
March 12th - 25th
IXL - A.13 Counting on a hundred chart
IXL - A.14 100 Chart
IXL - A.15 Even or Odd
IXL - A.16 Identify numbers as even or odd.
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia