Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 31 -- 4/30 - 5/3

Image result for sun clip artHappy Monday!! This school year is just flying by.  How can we already be saying hello to May??  We sure are seeing our Nevada weather with the cool/cold mornings and Hot afternoons. It is important to dress in layers. Be sure to label your child's clothing so if it lost it will find its way back to them.

First graders have been busy looking at animal super powers, writing personal narratives, reading fables and reviewing all the learning we have completed so far this year.  

This week in first grade we will...

  • continue to determine the central message of a story.
  • write our personal narratives.
  • look at the animal superpower of camouflage. 
  • review parts of speech.
  • write 5 star sentence.
The big kids will be testing this week so we will have to be super aware of our inside voices.

Math news from Miss Garcia

This week we say goodbye April and hello to May!

Since it is the 3rd trimester, we have already taught most math standards.  At this point, Mrs. Bloomfield and I are focusing re-assessing previous standards as well as pulling in some standards that we previously taught that the students have NOT yet mastered.  With that being said some of the IXL Objectives will be repeated for additional practice.

I know that it is a busy time of year however, please continue to read and complete your daily math homework!  

Arrow Method Example:

53  + 30  =          1. Start with the bigger addend (53).
   + 30    
53 83                    2. Draw an arrow; above the arrow write a +30      

                                 3. Write the total (83).
Week 31 Homework
April 30th - May 3rd
IXL - C.5 Adding 5
Worksheet - Arrow Diagram addition
IXL - U.2 Match analog clocks and times
IXL - C.6 Adding 6
Have a great week!!!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week 30 -- Happy Earth Day!!!

Image result for earth day clip art

Dear First Grade Families,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather was beautiful.  The time is flying by. Can you believe we only have 7 more weeks of school left?  

We have had some issues with snacks going missing when it is time for snack recess.  If you can please write your child's name on their snack this will save us some time in the mornings.  Also, please talk with your child about only eating the snack that they bring.  

Last week the first graders were busy, busy, busy!!
  • 1st graders typed their important poems and their favorite poem from their poetry journal.
  • We started our small moments narrative unit.
  • We wrote about spring.
  • 1st graders learned about the moon phases.
  • The students also review 5 star sentences.
This week we will...
  • Look at the SUPERPOWERS of plants and animals, by studying their special features.
  • learn why birds have different shaped beaks.
  • Begin writing our narrative stories.
  • review parts of speech.
Math News from Miss Garcia

Our focus this week in first grade will be: reviewing word problems that include both addition and subtraction within 50, and composing 2-dimensional shapes and tell their defining vs. non-defining attributes.  A new concept will also be introduced called In and Out Tables.  An example is shown below.  

Rule: Add 2
     IN     OUT

If you put in a 1 and add 2 out comes the number 3…
If you put in a 2 and add 2 out comes the number 4…  
If you put in a 3 and add 2 out comes the number 5...and so on.

Week 30 April 23rd - 26th
IXL - W.10 Shapes of everyday objects
IXL - J.6 Addition and subtraction word problems
Worksheet - In and out tables
Worksheet - In and out tables
Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 29 4/16 -4/19

Keller Williams April Showers Bring May Flowers Auction | YouthCare 

Happy Monday!!

It was nice visiting with everyone at conferences.  I love sharing all the wonderful growth the 1st graders make throughout the year.  

Last week in first grade we...

  • Used google docs to type up our important poems.
  • learned about how the earth moves around the sun to make the seasons and spins on its axis to create day and night,
  • identified the main idea of a passage.
This week 1st graders will...
  • begin a narrative writing.
  • continue to identify the main idea of a passage.
  • write 5 star sentences.
Math News From Miss Garcia

Happy Monday,
It was so nice to see all of you at Parent-Teacher Conferences.  I cannot believe the change in these kids since the beginning of the year!  Mrs. Rowlett and I are very proud of their hard work and progress!

The first graders created Fraction Pizzas, will finish learning about fractions and review then test on Tuesday..  Later into the week we will go back to some objectives that we have taught in order to review and check for mastery.  Such as: adding 3 numbers, adding and subtracting within 50 and working with word problems.

Week 29 Homework
April 16th - 19th
IXL - X.5 Simple Fractions: what fraction does the shape show?
IXL - X.6 Simple Fractions: which shape matches the fraction?
IXL - D.11 Addition Facts: sums up to 20
IXL - D.10 Addition sentences for word problems - sums up to 18

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Here are a couple reminders for MONDAY, April 16. 

Boxtops -- 
If you have any box tops please get them turned in on Monday. 

Blue and Orange Day
On Monday, 4/16, students may wear orange and/or blue for a $1 donation for a fundraiser that will go to a student that is in the hospital. Her favorite team is Boise State, thus the orange and blue. They do not have to wear their uniforms on this day.

Thank you for making time in your busy schedules to meet for conferences Yesterday and on March 23.  I was great getting to talk with you all.

Have a great weekend
Mrs. Rowlett

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Week 28 April 9-12

Image result for april

Welcome Back!!

I hope everyone had a fun and restful spring break.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow and hearing all about their great adventures over spring break.  It was nice having time off but I am definitely ready to return to school and get back into our learning routine. I missed all my first and second graders bunches. 

Box Tops -- The box top drive is coming to a close very soon. Don't forget to save those box tops and turn them in. 

Parent Teacher Conferences -- Parent teacher conferences will be on April 15. I look forward to meeting with you soon!!!  If you are unable to meet at your scheduled time please let me know and we can reschedule. Thank you to everyone for signing up.

This week in first grade...

  • we will use 5 star sentences to write about spring break.
  • we will explore space and the stars and why we only see them during the day. 
  • We will explore why we have seasons and why the days get shorter and longer throughout the year.
  • we will write a Haiku poem and choose our favorite poem to type using google docs. 

Remember to check out the first graders slideshows they are located on the Animal Slideshow page at the top of the blog.  

Math news from Miss Garcia,

Welcome back from Spring Break!  I can’t believe that it is April 9th already!  We are starting
off April learning about fractions!  Fractions are so much fun and there are a ton of activities/
projects to do too!  The first graders will partition circles and rectangles from a “whole” into
(two) ½ and( four) ¼ equal parts.  We will also discuss (thirds) ⅓.

Your 1st grader will also be able to tell the differences between shapes that are divided
in equal pieces.

Equal Parts:

Unequal Parts:

Homework for Week 28
IXL - X.1  Equal Parts
IXL - X.2 Halves and Fourths
IXL - X.3 Equal Parts: halves, thirds and fourths
IXL - X.4 Halves, thirds and fourths

Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Monday, April 2, 2018

Slideshows on the Blog

Hi First Grade Families,

I hope everyone is having a great spring break so far.  I wanted to let you know that I added all the first graders slide shows to the blog.  Just click on the Animal Slideshow page at the top.  Here is a photo slide show of them presenting and of our bunny directed draw.  

Have a great break!!!

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