Welcome Back!!
I hope everyone had a fun and restful spring break. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow and hearing all about their great adventures over spring break. It was nice having time off but I am definitely ready to return to school and get back into our learning routine. I missed all my first and second graders bunches.
Box Tops -- The box top drive is coming to a close very soon. Don't forget to save those box tops and turn them in.
Parent Teacher Conferences -- Parent teacher conferences will be on April 15. I look forward to meeting with you soon!!! If you are unable to meet at your scheduled time please let me know and we can reschedule. Thank you to everyone for signing up.
This week in first grade...
- we will use 5 star sentences to write about spring break.
- we will explore space and the stars and why we only see them during the day.
- We will explore why we have seasons and why the days get shorter and longer throughout the year.
- we will write a Haiku poem and choose our favorite poem to type using google docs.
Remember to check out the first graders slideshows they are located on the Animal Slideshow page at the top of the blog.
Math news from Miss Garcia,
Welcome back from Spring Break! I can’t believe that it is April 9th already! We are starting
off April learning about fractions! Fractions are so much fun and there are a ton of activities/
projects to do too! The first graders will partition circles and rectangles from a “whole” into
(two) ½ and( four) ¼ equal parts. We will also discuss (thirds) ⅓.
off April learning about fractions! Fractions are so much fun and there are a ton of activities/
projects to do too! The first graders will partition circles and rectangles from a “whole” into
(two) ½ and( four) ¼ equal parts. We will also discuss (thirds) ⅓.
Your 1st grader will also be able to tell the differences between shapes that are divided
in equal pieces.
in equal pieces.
Equal Parts:
Unequal Parts:
Homework for Week 28
IXL - X.1 Equal Parts
IXL - X.2 Halves and Fourths
IXL - X.3 Equal Parts: halves, thirds and fourths
IXL - X.4 Halves, thirds and fourths
Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia