Pajama Day was lots of fun and a huge success!!
Oasis Academy raised $1,167 for such a great cause!! WAY TO GO!!! Some children even donated but chose not to wear their pajamas to school. It was a fun day that the students thoroughly enjoyed and they all looked so cute in their jammies!
Our week began our week with making applesauce with Mrs. Loops class. We met in the lunch room mixed all the ingredients in our crock-pots and let them cook for 3 hours. It smelled wonderful. The second graders even had to shut their door because it was making them hungry!!!

We wrote "how to papers" on making applesauce. The students used a topic sentence, first, then, and last to write a paragraph about how applesauce is made. We started with a graphic organizer, wrote rough drafts and final drafts.
We also surveyed the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th graders on their favorite apple food and made a top 10 apple food item list. The favorite apple food is caramel apples.
This week we will be writing an opinion about their favorite apple food with 3 reasons why it is their favorite. We continue to use 5 star sentences to write and are working hard on using strategies when writing.
REMINDER: PICTURE DAY is coming up. Our class pictures will be on Tuesday, October 6 at 8:30 in the morning. All students are required to wear their school uniforms for class pictures. Picture day will be all week on various days and times for the entire school so be advised that not all classes are having their pictures on Tuesday!
Math News From Miss Garcia
Hello First Grade Families,
This week in math we continue to work on addition strategies. Mrs. Bloomfield and Miss Garcia have taught the 1st graders how to find the greater number and add the smaller number onto that greater number. Also, we have been using number lines to practice this "higher number' strategy.
We have been telling Number Stories to write addition equations. Ask your 1st grader to tell you a number story!
Homework for this week:
Monday - C.1
Tuesday - B.13
Wednesday - C.2
Thursday - No Homework due to assessment
Have a Great Week