Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 7 -

Pajama Day was lots of fun and a huge success!!

Oasis Academy raised $1,167 for such a great cause!! WAY TO GO!!! Some children even donated but chose not to wear their pajamas to school.  It was a fun day that the students thoroughly enjoyed and they all looked so cute in their jammies!
Our week began our week with making applesauce with Mrs. Loops class. We met in the lunch room mixed all the ingredients in our crock-pots and let them cook for 3 hours. It smelled wonderful. The second graders even had to shut their door because it was making them hungry!!!
After lunch we had a visit from the NHP troopers thanking us for our wonderful letters. They also answered many questions, listened to stories and brought us some goodies. We enjoyed our applesauce afterwards! Most students thought it was yummy!
 We wrote "how to papers" on making applesauce. The students used a topic sentence, first, then, and last to write a paragraph about how applesauce is made. We started with a graphic organizer, wrote rough drafts and final drafts.    
     We also surveyed the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th graders on their favorite apple food and made a top 10 apple food item list.  The favorite apple food is caramel apples.  
     This week we will be writing an opinion about their favorite apple food with 3 reasons why it is their favorite. We continue to use 5 star sentences to write and are working hard on using strategies when writing.  

REMINDER:  PICTURE DAY is coming up.  Our class pictures will be on Tuesday, October 6 at 8:30 in the morning.  All students are required to wear their school uniforms for class pictures.  Picture day will be all week on various days and times for the entire school so be advised that not all classes are having their pictures on Tuesday!

Math News From Miss Garcia
Hello First Grade Families, 
This week in math we continue to work on addition strategies.  Mrs. Bloomfield and Miss Garcia have taught the 1st graders how to find the greater number and add the smaller number onto that greater number.  Also, we have been using number lines to practice this "higher number' strategy. 

We have been telling Number Stories to write addition equations.  Ask your 1st grader to tell you a number story!

Homework for this week: 

Monday - C.1
Tuesday - B.13
Wednesday - C.2
Thursday - No Homework due to assessment

Have a Great Week

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 6 -- Slideshow 2

Hi First Grade Families,

We had a great week this week in first grade.  The first part of the week we worked hard editing, and rewriting our letters to our community helpers.  We also drew some great pictures to go with our letters.  Mrs. Loop and I took these letters and put them in a book that we presented to each of the community helpers so they can share them with all those they work with.  Mrs. Loop made us color copies so our original copies are hanging in the hall, stop by and check them out (Thank You Mrs. Loop). Be sure to check out the slideshow to see the community helpers receiving their posters. 

The last part of the week we began our study on apples.  We watched a short video showing how apples get from the trees to the store.  We completed a how to flow map (pre-write) using transition words first, next, then and last as a class.  This week we will be using a flow map to create our own how to paper.   We also made a list of popular apple foods and will be conducting a survey of the top 10 apple foods. I will post our results.  

This week we started spelling. We looked at the word families of ap and at The students worked on these words all week during our Daily 5 block. We sorted the words, wrote them on white boards and made word family books. The focus is that students listen to how the words sound different and listening for the sounds in each word.  This week we will be looking at ig and og words.  

Kudos to the first graders for working hard, reading at home and completing their homework each night!  Thank you for being responsible.

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Math News from Miss Garcia

Hello 1st grade families, 

This week our focus in math will be addition.  The 1st graders will be focusing on methods of addition.  We will be writing and working with equations, number bonds and manipulatives.  The students will be introduced to the commutative property: 2+4 = 6 can also be written as 4+2=6.  

Here is your IXL homework for the week of September 21-24...

Monday         B.6
Tuesday        B.12
Wednesday   B.5
Thursday       B. 16

Happy Learning!
Mrs. Bloomfield & Miss Garcia

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 5 -- 9/14

Last week was a short week but boy was it a full and busy one.  We began learning about Community Helpers with the focus on police officers, paramedics, firemen, and sailors (for our local Navy base).  We brainstormed what we learned about each of these helpers and each student chose a community helper to write a letter to them telling them why they appreciate them.  Mrs. Loop and I thought this was a good tie in to Labor Day and Patriot's Day (Sept. 11).  Mrs. Loop and I  will be presenting our appreciations to local community helpers on Friday.  We will take pictures and post on our class blog next week.  This week we will be completing our final Drafts of our letters so they are perfect for Friday

We finished learning about the 4 TRIBES agreements we wrote about 3 of them and will finish up this week with Appreciations.  Ask your child about Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening, Appreciations, and No Put Downs. We will continue to practice and explore these more in the  incoming weeks.

This week we will begin spelling words in class.  We will be focusing on words that are part of the "at" family and "ap" family.  I will not be sending home a spelling list, though, because we will be working on writing our words in class during Daily 5 reading time all week. 

On Wednesday we will begin our unit on Apples and how apples make it from the orchard to the stores.  We will be focusing on punctuation marks and how our voices sound when we see each type.  

Have a great Week!!

Math News From Mrs. Garica

Dear Fabulous First Grade Families,

Here we are in week 5!!  These weeks are just flying by, especially when this past school week was only 3 days long!  

Math information from last week…
In first grade Math we continued our work with number bonds.  Our focus on number bonds for this week were the number bonds for the wholes of 7, 8, and 9.  Number bonds (whole, part, part) are such an important foundational skill that we will continue to work on it.  Students have been using manipulatives and  drawing pictures to solve number bond problems but eventually, with lots of “hands on” students should just know the parts that make a specific whole.  

Students also worked on finding the missing part to a number bond.  This was a bit tricky and a skill that we will continue to work on.  Again lots of work with manipulatives and drawing pictures to master this skill.

Finally Math Homework for this week…
Since IXL doesn’t have objectives that go with number bonds, students will have worksheets for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Monday (9/14)
Number Bond Worksheet (missing part and number story)
Tuesday (9/15)
Workbook pg. 29-30
Wednesday (9/16)
Practice Test
Thursday (9/17)
IXL B.2 Addition Sentences Sums to 10.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful week.

Miss Garcia

Monday, September 7, 2015

Math News from Miss Garcia

Dear 1st Grade Families,

First grade math is fabulous.  This past week our focus was on number bonds and number stories.  As we are talking about number bonds we are using the terms whole, part, part.  If the whole is 5, the parts could be 2 and 3, 1 and 4, or 0 and 5.  Numbers bonds are written as shown below.    
Students have practiced making number bonds with manipulatives (bears and linking cubes).  After practicing with manipulatives students started working on a number bond “project”.  Students made a picture of their family and wrote number bonds and number stories to match.  Students are presenting these “projects” to the class.

In addition to our work with number bonds and number stories, we reviewed writing number words (1-20).

Here is the list of homework for this week:

No homework Labor Day
B.1 Addition with Pictures Sums to 10.
Workbook pg. 23-24
G.2 Comparing Numbers up to 10


Miss Garcia

Week 4 -- Information

I hope everyone had a fun and restful Labor Day Weekend.   We had an exciting week in First grade.  This week we finished learning about our first grade friends and are almost finished writing all about them in our friend journals.  We used the 5 star sentences to help us when writing at least 2 great sentences about our friends.  These friend journals will be going in our book baskets for us to read and add to during Daily 5.  We will be bringing them home to share with you soon. 

During our Daily 5 block we have implemented all 5 Daily Five choices YAY!! First graders have had the choice of read to self, work on writing (in our new writing journals), read to someone, listening and word work.  During word work we have reviewed the short and long vowels a, i, o, u.  We sorted pictures according to the vowel sound.  We also started reading groups this week.  Your child has a book in their binder that they should read aloud to you each night as part of their 20 minutes of reading.  The reading strategies we focused on this week include:
Check for understanding (comprehension) -- Who did what and where (fiction) and What did I learn (non-fiction.
Back up and Re-read (comprehension) -- If you can't answer who did what go back and re-read.
Cross Check (accuracy) -- Does it look right?  Does it sound right?  Does it make sense?
Stretch the sounds (accuracy) 

Also in your child's homework binder you will find a list of sight words. Please have your child read these words to you nightly they will be assessed on mastery each Thursday.  It they master that list they will move on to the next list.  

During listen to reading the student enjoy listening to some great read aloud sites.  Remember read alouds offer students the opportunity to hear reading fluency especially of books that they may not be able to read independently.  Student are more than welcome to visit these sites as part of their 20 minutes of nightly reading. The sites are as follows.

Raz-kids --  (username: jrowlett1)
Just read books --
Storyline online --
National Geographic --
Our class pictures are on October 6 at 8:30.

Looking forward to another great week!!!