Dear Fabulous First Grade Families,
Here we are in week 5!! These weeks are just flying by, especially when this past school week was only 3 days long!
Math information from last week…
In first grade Math we continued our work with number bonds. Our focus on number bonds for this week were the number bonds for the wholes of 7, 8, and 9. Number bonds (whole, part, part) are such an important foundational skill that we will continue to work on it. Students have been using manipulatives and drawing pictures to solve number bond problems but eventually, with lots of “hands on” students should just know the parts that make a specific whole.
Students also worked on finding the missing part to a number bond. This was a bit tricky and a skill that we will continue to work on. Again lots of work with manipulatives and drawing pictures to master this skill.
Finally Math Homework for this week…
Since IXL doesn’t have objectives that go with number bonds, students will have worksheets for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Monday (9/14)
Number Bond Worksheet (missing part and number story)
Tuesday (9/15)
Workbook pg. 29-30
Wednesday (9/16)
Practice Test
Thursday (9/17)
IXL B.2 Addition Sentences Sums to 10.
Here’s wishing you a wonderful week.
Miss Garcia