Last week was a short week but boy was it a full and busy one. We began learning about Community Helpers with the focus on police officers, paramedics, firemen, and sailors (for our local Navy base). We brainstormed what we learned about each of these helpers and each student chose a community helper to write a letter to them telling them why they appreciate them. Mrs. Loop and I thought this was a good tie in to Labor Day and Patriot's Day (Sept. 11). Mrs. Loop and I will be presenting our appreciations to local community helpers on Friday. We will take pictures and post on our class blog next week. This week we will be completing our final Drafts of our letters so they are perfect for Friday
We finished learning about the 4 TRIBES agreements we wrote about 3 of them and will finish up this week with Appreciations. Ask your child about Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening, Appreciations, and No Put Downs. We will continue to practice and explore these more in the incoming weeks.
This week we will begin spelling words in class. We will be focusing on words that are part of the "at" family and "ap" family. I will not be sending home a spelling list, though, because we will be working on writing our words in class during Daily 5 reading time all week.
On Wednesday we will begin our unit on Apples and how apples make it from the orchard to the stores. We will be focusing on punctuation marks and how our voices sound when we see each type.
Have a great Week!!