Can you believe it is the last week in the 2nd quarter. Time flies when you are having fun. We had a fun and busy week in first grade. Last week...
- we read stories about the Gingerbread Man, Baby and Girl. We compared the stories and the characters in each story.
- We began learning about how animals get ready for winter. We chose an animal we would want to be, explained 3 reasons we want to be that animal and described how they get ready for winter.
- we completed a Christmas tree craft and wrote the steps on how to decorate a Christmas tree.
- First graders followed step by step directions to draw a reindeer. We wrote about our Reindeer and shared them with the class.
- We finished up quarter assessments.
- Report cards will go home after break
- Pizza coupons are on sale now in the office $30 (10 weeks in 3rd quarter)
- Our Christmas party will be on Thursday. We will be watching Prep and Landing with Mrs. Loop's class. This is a short G rated movie. We will then have some games a crafts that will be shared between the 2 classrooms.
This week we will have guided reading groups on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday we will be finishing up a few assessments so your child my not have a book from me to read. We will continue to read and learn about how animals get ready for winter. We will not have spelling this week.
Please have your child read over Christmas break. Please log your child's reading, if your child reads for 20 minutes for at least 10 days they will get a special reward after break.
First graders thought Miss Garcia's class needed a break from working so hard so we surprised them with a Christmas Just Dance Brain break. Here is the video...
News from Miss Garcia
Here we are down to the last week before Christmas Vacation!! How time flies!!
This past week in math was spent completing our Geometry Unit with a test on Tuesday. The rest of the week consisted on small group work reviewing and reassessing report card standards. We also spent some time working on our “big number” with flexible activities. Students especially enjoyed playing the card game “Go Fish” looking for cards that when added or subtracted equaled the students “high number”.
Finally students worked on solving words problems, focusing on changing the question into an answer statement and determining whether a word problem was a Part, Part, Whole problem or a Whole, Part, Part problem. Students are really getting the hang of both of these key components to being good problem solvers.
During this week we will continue to review, assess for report cards, and work on word problems. Here is the homework for the week.
IXL B.14 Addition Facts: Sums to 18
IXL B.15 Addition Word Problems: Sums to 18
IXL D.13 Subtraction Facts: Numbers Up to 18
No Homework--Happy Vacation
Wishing all of the First Grade Families a wonderful Christmas and a happy and safe vacation!! See you all in 2016!!
Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia