Welcome Back Bighorns,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and winter break. Can you believe we are beginning the 3rd quarter? Time sure does fly. This week in first grade we will:
- begin learning about adjectives.
- work on a shared research project on penguins.
- look at read Wonder stories and use them to answer questions
- review the 4 types of sentences (interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, and declarative)
- review nouns and verbs
- review the secret stories for ew and ew sounds
Our spelling pattern this week will be ate words (late, rate, grate etc.)
Report Cards will be going home Monday or Tuesday of this week. Make sure to check your child’s binder.
Homework Reminder -- Students should be reading 20 minutes each
night to an adult. If a book doesn’t come home students may choose a book from home to read. Please help them remember to read.
1st graders will be starting fluency readings within the next 2 weeks. They will have a fluency reading in their binders to practice throughout the week.
The weather is bitter cold out. Please make sure to dress your child warm.
Put their names on any loose clothing. Thanks
Happy 2016!!
News from Mrs. Garcia
We hope you had a restful, fun-filled and happy Winter Break. I can’t believe that here we are getting lesson plans ready for week 20! Report cards will be printed and sent home this week, please look for them in your child’s binder.
The week of before Winter Break we did a lot of review, assessing and reassessing in both first and second grade classes.
We are starting off the New Year with measuring. First grade will be ordering 3 objects by lengths, comparing the length of two objects as well as using non-standard units (cubes, paper clips and tiles) to measure lengths of different objects. We will also discuss (tall, taller, tallest) (short, shorter, shortest) and (long, longer, longest)!
IXL N.2 Compare objects length and height
IXL N.3 Measure using objects
IXL N.4 Measure using an inch ruler.