Warm Winter Wishes!!
I hope everyone had a great wintry weekend. It was such a nice surprise waking up to snow two days in a row.
Last week first graders...
- Learned all about pronouns. We learned which pronoun to use to replace different nouns.
- Re-visited the use of capitals at the beginning of sentences. This is a hard concept for 1st graders to remember. Many first graders consistently forget this important concept.
- Learned to put commas between adjectives and when writing the date.
- completed their non-fiction books about an animal of their choice.
**Great Job first Graders!!! All first graders did a great job on their spelling test!
** Thank you to the families that were able to send in Expo markers. We are still in need of a few more so if you are able to send in a package that would be great.
This week First Graders Will...
- learn how to write compound sentences by using a conjunction. (and, or, but, nor, etc.) The dog loves chicken but the dog doesn't like beef.
- begin working on their slide shows for their non-fiction animal piece. This is our first project using the Chrome books so the first graders are really excited.
- continue to write complete sentences about the books they read by restating the question in their answer.
- study the spelling words in the ide pattern (hide, bride, ride etc)
It is very important for your child to complete their reading homework each night. We are almost 2nd graders now.
Here are some pictures from our week!
Collage made with Smilebox |