Sunday, January 31, 2016

Quarter 3 - Week 5

Warm Winter Wishes!!

I hope everyone had a great wintry weekend.  It was such a nice surprise waking up to snow two days in a row.

Last week first graders...

  • Learned all about pronouns. We learned which pronoun to use to replace different nouns.
  • Re-visited the use of capitals at the beginning of sentences. This is a hard concept for 1st graders to remember. Many first graders consistently forget this important concept. 
  • Learned to put commas between adjectives and when writing the date.
  • completed their non-fiction books about an animal of their choice.
**Great Job first Graders!!! All first graders did a great job on their spelling test!

** Thank you to the families that were able to send in Expo markers. We are still in need of a few more so if you are able to send in a package that would be great.

This week First Graders Will...
  • learn how to write compound sentences by using a conjunction.  (and, or, but, nor, etc.) The dog loves chicken but the dog doesn't like beef.
  • begin working on their slide shows for their non-fiction animal piece. This is our first project using the Chrome books so the first graders are really excited.
  • continue to write complete sentences about the books they read by restating the question in their answer.
  • study the spelling words in the ide pattern (hide, bride, ride etc)
It is very important for your child to complete their reading homework each night. We are almost 2nd graders now. 
Here are some pictures from our week!
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Collage made with Smilebox
News from Miss Garcia

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Math Homework

Happy Monday Bighorns,

Be Sure to check out The Slideshow on the post below!!!
Also our class needs some expo markers.  If you are able to send in a pack that would be great!

News From Mrs. Garcia 

The first graders are well into 3rd quarter standards.  Last week we focused on decomposing/composing to make a ten and also adding 3 digits to a sum of 20 or less.  We will continue to work on those strategies along with completing number patterns as well as focusing on adding 3 digits within a word problem.

Homework will most likely be a combination of IXL skill builders as well as worksheets.  Students can always log onto IXL to practice addition and subtraction facts.  

Fun Fact:
January is National “Thank You” month...give thanks to someone you know!
Thank you for supporting your child’s learning and being involved in their education!  It is greatly appreciated.

Week 22 Homework
IXL A.11 Counting forward and backward
IXL A.20 Sequencing Number Patterns
IXL A.10 - Counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
IXL A.19 Skip counting with a table

Friday, January 22, 2016

Quarter 3 - Week 4 Slide Show

Hi First Grade Friends,

We had a busy week with only 3 days.  Last week we:

  • Learned all about Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream of peace and equality. 
  • We finished up our penguin projects and read them to Mrs. Dolan's and Mrs. Garcia's  class.
  • We began our research with our partners on an animal of our choice.
  • We worked on restating the question to aid in writing a complete sentence, when answer questions about the book.
  • We used adjectives to write interesting sentences.
This Week we will...
  • continue our research on our animals and begin working on a slide show with all the great facts we have learned. 
  • write a how to paper including the words first, next, then and last.
  • we will learn all about pronouns.
  • work on writing complete sentences.
Our Spelling patter will be ale words (bale, pale, kale, male etc.)

Oasis continues to collect Box Tops for education.  Keep snipping them and sending them in with your child. 

Since Valentines day is on a weekend Oasis will not be having Valentines day parties or sharing cards.  First graders will be writing appreciations to each other through out the month of February.  

Slide Show!!!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
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This free photo slideshow customized with Smilebox

Have A Great Week!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Valentines Day Update

Hello First Grade Parents,

I just wanted to let you all know before you go out and begin buying Valentine cards that due to Valentine's Day falling on a Sunday this year Oasis Academy will NOT have class Valentine parties. Valentine's Day parties only happen at school when the day falls on a Monday-Thursday.  This means that no students will be allowed to pass out individual Valentine cards at school.  

Monday, January 18, 2016

News From Mrs. Garcia

We hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend.  We are ready to learn and will be working on decomposing/composing numbers to make a 10.  As well as adding up 3 number to a sum of 20 or less which can be written both vertically and horizontally.

Adding 3 digits

4+5+2 = __  (horizontal)

Decomposing Making a Ten

8   +   5 =  ____        1. Decompose smaller number into number bond (parts) to make
        ↙ ↘                       bigger number 10.                 
       2   3                  2.  Make a 10  (8 + 2 = 10).
8 + 2 = 10                3.  Rewrite equation with 10 (10 + 3 (the other part)).
10 + 3 = 13

Week 21 Homework
First grade will have worksheets all week to practice these concepts.  There will be no IXL, however your child may always log onto IXL to practice facts.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 3

Fun in First Grade!

**Reminder tomorrow is a Holiday! We do not have school!

Last week in first grade, we completed our non-fiction books on penguins. We read many stories and watched a few informational videos about penguins. Together we completed a Tree map and used the tree map to to add pages to our books. We learned about what penguins look like, eat and live. We also added a page with cool facts.  We shared these book with Mrs. Garcia's second grade class and Mrs. Loop's first grade class.  Mrs. Loops kids shared their non fiction books about polar bears with us.  Ask your child to tell you some interesting facts about penguins and polar bears.  

We are learning all about Adjectives. We have used adjectives to describe penguins and other fun things. We used adjective to make our sentences more exciting. The second grade students taught us how to play Apples to Apples (a fun adjective game) that we have been playing during daily 5. 

This week first graders will...

  • Begin a research project on an animal with a partner.  They will be using the steps we used as a class to complete their on research with a partner. Students will be making a book and also creating a power point presentation that will be shared with our class. 
  • We will continue to work on adjectives and how these colorful words will make our writing more interesting.
  • We will writing complex and compound declarative and imperative sentences. 
  • We will be learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and how help create equality for all American citizens.
*Due to a short week we will not have spelling.  

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Quarter 3 week 2

Hello first grade families,

We had a nice week in first grade.  Last week we started a class research project on Penguins.  We are making non fiction books with all the great information we have learned about penguins.  We are using a tree map to organize our information that will be included in our non-fiction books.  Along with all the non-fiction books on penguins that we read. We also read a few Tacky the Penguin books. We compared the books and the characters in the books. We learned about adjectives and used adjectives to describe Tacky. Ask your child about Tacky  "He is an Odd bird but a nice bird to have around."

On Thursday during reading group we read through non fiction Wonder stories. We used highlighters to find information in the stories and answer questions using the text for support.  

Next week we will continue to work on our research projects. On Thursday we are going to share our information with Mrs. Loop's class. They will be sharing their research on Polar Bears with us.  We will also be writing sentences using adjectives. 

Our spelling patter for this week will be ame words (came, game, tame etc.)

Volunteer Opportunities
Thrifty Finds is always needing help hanging up clothes.  This is a great way to get in a few extra volunteer hours.

Looking forward to a great week in First Grade!

Math news from Mrs. Garcia
Happy Monday!

Your child should be able to come home and discuss measurement with you!   The students have been having a great time measuring using both standard (inches) and non-standard units (small and large paperclips, cubes, tiles)  They have been comparing objects in and out of the classroom and ordering them from shorter to tallest or tallest to shortest as well as long and longest.

The first graders will review Monday and test on Tuesday.  They have shown great interest in measurement.  They have had the chance to explore with many tools: rulers, measuring tapes, yardsticks, tape measures as well as a measuring wheel...ask your student what you can use a measuring wheel for.  I purchased one for the classroom and will share it between my class and Mrs. Bloomfield’s class.

Measuring Wheel - used to measure long distances

Here is the homework for Week 20.
Test Review page 107 & 108
Decomposing numbers worksheet
IXL B.17 Adding 3 digits
No Homework.  Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Quarter 3 week 1

Welcome Back Bighorns,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and winter break.  Can you believe we are beginning the 3rd quarter? Time sure does fly.  This week in first grade we will:
  • begin learning about adjectives.
  • work on a shared research project on penguins.
  • look at read Wonder stories and use them to answer questions
  • review the 4 types of sentences (interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, and declarative)
  • review nouns and verbs
  • review the secret stories for ew and ew sounds
Our spelling pattern this week will be ate words (late, rate, grate etc.)

Report Cards will be going home Monday or Tuesday of this week.  Make sure to check your child’s binder.

Homework Reminder -- Students should be reading 20 minutes each
night to an adult.  If a book doesn’t come home students may choose a book from home to read. Please help them remember to read.

1st graders will be starting fluency readings within the next 2 weeks.   They will have a fluency reading in their binders to practice throughout the week.

The weather is bitter cold out.  Please make sure to dress your child warm.
Put their names on any loose clothing.  Thanks

Happy 2016!!

News from Mrs. Garcia

We hope you had a restful, fun-filled and happy Winter Break.  I can’t believe that here we are getting lesson plans ready for week 20!  Report cards will be printed and sent home this week, please look for them in your child’s binder.

The week of before Winter Break we did a lot of review, assessing and reassessing in both first and second grade classes.

We are starting off the New Year with measuring.  First grade will be ordering 3 objects by lengths, comparing the length of two objects as well as using non-standard units (cubes, paper clips and tiles) to measure lengths of different objects.  We will also discuss (tall, taller, tallest) (short, shorter, shortest) and (long, longer, longest)!

IXL N.2 Compare objects length and height
IXL N.3 Measure using objects
IXL N.4 Measure using an inch ruler.