We hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend. We are ready to learn and will be working on decomposing/composing numbers to make a 10. As well as adding up 3 number to a sum of 20 or less which can be written both vertically and horizontally.
Adding 3 digits
4+5+2 = __ (horizontal)
Decomposing Making a Ten
8 + 5 = ____ 1. Decompose smaller number into number bond (parts) to make
↙ ↘ bigger number 10.
2 3 2. Make a 10 (8 + 2 = 10).
8 + 2 = 10 3. Rewrite equation with 10 (10 + 3 (the other part)).
10 + 3 = 13
Week 21 Homework
First grade will have worksheets all week to practice these concepts. There will be no IXL, however your child may always log onto IXL to practice facts.