Sunday, December 13, 2015

Quarter 2 - Week 9

Happy Holiday First Grade Families!!!!

Can you believe it is the last week in the 2nd quarter. Time flies when you are having fun.  We had a fun and busy week  in first grade.  Last week...

  • we read stories about the Gingerbread Man, Baby and Girl.  We compared the stories and the characters in each story.  
  • We began learning about how animals get ready for winter. We chose an animal we would want to be, explained 3 reasons we want to be that animal and described how they get ready for winter.
  • we completed a Christmas tree craft and wrote the steps on how to decorate a Christmas tree.
  • First graders followed step by step directions to draw a reindeer. We wrote about our Reindeer and shared them with the class.
  • We finished up quarter assessments.

  • Report cards will go home after break
  • Pizza coupons are on sale now in the office $30 (10 weeks in 3rd quarter)
  • Our Christmas party will be on Thursday. We will be watching Prep and Landing with Mrs. Loop's class. This is a short G rated movie. We will then have some games a crafts that will be shared between the 2 classrooms.
This week we will have guided reading groups on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday we will be finishing up a few assessments so your child my not have a book from me to read. We will continue to read and learn about how animals get ready for winter.  We will not have spelling this week.  

Please have your child read over Christmas break.  Please log your child's reading, if your child reads for 20 minutes for at least 10 days they will get a special reward after break.  

First graders thought Miss Garcia's class needed a break from working so hard so we surprised them with a Christmas Just Dance Brain break.  Here is the video...

News from Miss Garcia

Here we are down to the last week before Christmas Vacation!!  How time flies!!  

This past week in math was spent completing our Geometry Unit with a test on Tuesday.  The rest of the week consisted on small group work reviewing and reassessing report card standards.  We also spent some time working on our “big number” with flexible activities.  Students especially enjoyed playing the card game “Go Fish” looking for cards that when added or subtracted equaled the students “high number”.  

Finally students worked on solving words problems, focusing on changing the question into an answer statement and determining whether a word problem was a Part, Part, Whole problem or a Whole, Part, Part problem.  Students are really getting the hang of both of these key components to being good problem solvers.

During this week we will continue to review, assess for report cards, and work on word problems.  Here is the homework for the week.

IXL B.14 Addition Facts:  Sums to 18
IXL B.15 Addition Word Problems:  Sums to 18
IXL D.13 Subtraction Facts:  Numbers Up to 18
No Homework--Happy Vacation

Wishing all of the First Grade Families a wonderful Christmas and a happy and safe vacation!!  See you all in 2016!!

Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Quarter 2 - Week 8

Hello First Grade Families,

Wow! Time is flying. Can you believe we only have 8 days of school until Christmas break?  We will be having a small Christmas party on December 17 in the afternoon.  We will be joining Mrs. Loop's class for a short movie in Mr. Degan's room and a game of Jingo (Christmas Bingo).

Last week in first grade we:
  • reviewed and assessed on nouns and verbs.
  • We learned all about what causes day, night and the seasons. Ask your child about this.
  • We met Mayor Ken Tedford and asked him a bunch of questions about his important job.
This week we will...
  • compare and contrast stories about the Gingerbread Man.
  • learn all about the moon and explore the moon phases.
  • practice words with ent.  (dent, bent, spent)
News From Mrs. Garica

Happy Monday 1st Grade Families,

This week your student will be reviewing and assessing on 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes.  Your child will also be completing an IXL on Wednesday dealing with symmetry.  Below is an example for them to use if they forget the definition of symmetry.

Here is the 1st grade homework for Week 17…

Review page 161&162
IXL K.12 Same shape
IXL K.11 Symmetry
IXL A.13 Counting on the hundred chart

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Quarter 2 -- Week 7

Hello First Grade Families,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Last week we reviewed standards covered earlier in the year and completed assessments.  This week we will be back to our regular schedule with reading and math homework. Make sure your child is reading to you each night.

This week in first grade:
  • we will review nouns (singular, plural, possessive and Proper) and verbs.
  • we will look a syllables in words and review the fact that every syllable has a vowel.
  • we will look at why we have day and night.  We will look at our relation to the sun at different times of day and how the days vary by season.
  • our spelling will be ump words.  1st graders should know that when they hear ump in a word that is how it is spelled.
Reminder --
A scholastic book order went home with your child on Tuesday.  If you would like to order books the due date is December 3 for orders turned into the classroom and December 10 for those ordered online.

Math News from Mrs Garcia:

Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break!  We missed your smiling faces...We will continue to work on 2D and 3D shapes in math.  

Your first grader will be Identifying open and closed shapes, corners (vertex) and sides (edges) of a shape.  They will also tell all flat surfaces that make up any 3-Dimensional shape.  The students will also classify objects by their attribute: color, shape, size, number of corners/sides and its orientation.  We will have a very busy week of learning ahead of us!

Open shape      vs. Closed Shape

IXL K.9 Open and closed shapes.
IXL K.5 Count sides (edges) and vertices (corners)
IXL K.3 Geometry of everyday objects.
IXL K.4 Planar and solid figures.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Math News

Diamond vs. Rhombus

We are in the process of learning about shapes both 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes…
2-D shapes consist of: circle, oval, square, hexagon, octagon, rectangle etc.
3-D shapes consist of: pyramid, cone, cylinder, triangular prism, hexagonal prism, sphere etc.

During the years of your child’s Early Childhood Development they call a rhombus a “diamond.”  However, as we get into the Nevada State Content Standards, a diamond is not a shape, it is a rhombus which puts it into the category with parallelograms.  A rhombus is a flat shape with 4 equal straight sides.  At Oasis Academy we will refer to a “diamond” as a rhombus.  

This is a diamond… These are all considered rhombus shapes...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Quarter 2 Week 6

Image result for Thanksgiving
We have been busy, busy, busy! 
This week in first grade:
  • we completed an author study on Steve Metzger books including the Silly Turkey party, The Great Turkey Rescue and The Great Turkey Race.
  • we compared 2 of the books using a vienn diagram
  • we completed a story map and made turkeys to put our maps on.
  • we learned all about possessive nouns and verbs.  We wrote turkey verb sentences.

This week is a short week. Your first grader will have normal homework on Monday, but will not have any guided reading homework over the break.
This week we will be finishing up a few assessments from the last few weeks, writing about what we are thankful for and Thanksgiving.  

Have a wonderful and safe Holiday!!!
Happy Thanksgiving

News from Miss Garcia

 Dear 1st Grade Families,

As you are well aware, this week is a short one due to the Thanksgiving holiday!  Although we will only be in school for 2 days this week, the fabulous first graders will be working hard in math.  

This week will be starting our unit on geometry.  Monday will focus on 2-dimensional shapes.  Students will be learning about circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, parallelograms, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons.  As we discuss the various 2-dimensional shapes students will be using the terms side, corner, and vertex.

On Tuesday students will be exploring 3-dimensional shapes.  The 3-dimensional shapes will include sphere, cube, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism/solid, triangular prism/solid, and pyramid.  Students will be using the terms edge, corner, vertex, and face to describe the 3-dimensional shapes.

Because of the short week students will only have homework on Monday.

IXL K.1 Identify 2-Dimensional Shapes
No Homework (Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday!!)

Here’s wishing you all a safe and restful Thanksgiving filled with family fun!!

Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Quarter 2 - week 5

Winter Weather is in the Air! Oasis students had a great time playing in the snow this week.  We had lots of snowmen on our playground.

Last week in first grade:
  • We started learning about nouns by creating Noun Town (where people, places and things live).  We created an anchor chart on nouns.
  • We continued working on where in the world we live.  First graders are still a little confused about town, state and country.  Have them tell you where in the world we live.
  • We learned all about the different types of communities (rural, suburban, and urban) 
This Week we will:
  • Look at common, proper and possessive nouns and add to our Noun Town.
  • Learn all about Verbs.
  • Finish up our unit on where in the world we live.
  • Write about what we are thankful for
  • Our spelling pattern this week will be "unk" words.
Upcoming events:
  • Thanksgiving holiday -- November 25-26  -- No School.  Have a great break with friends and families.
News from Mrs. Garcia
Happy Monday,

We are continuing on with counting money this week.  Your student should be able to use two strategies counting money: skip counting and counting on...these are the two strategies that we are working on in class.

This week we will also be introducing bills this week: $1.00, $5.00 and $10.00 dollar bills.  Your child can also benefit from practicing counting small amounts of spare change at home.  It gives your 1st grade real world practice with money.

Here is your homework for the week:

IXL - O.3 Count pennies, nickels and dimes
IXL - O.4 count pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
Homework Page
IXL - O.5 Equivalent coins

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Quarter 2 -- week 4

This week in first grade we:

  • Started our new unit "Me on the Map". We looked at were we live on the map starting with our school and our home addresses and will be working our way up to our state, country, continent and our planet.  We read the book Me On The Map and used this as a reference to help us create our own books. Part of this unit includes Oceans and Continents.  The first graders drew a picture of the earth and labeled the oceans and continents.  They did a great job!
  • Finished up our study of the different types of sentences including; imperative (a command), interrogative (a question), declarative (make a statement), and Exclamatory (show strong emotion).  We have been working using the correct punctuation for each type and being able to recognize each type of sentence. 
  • Looked at text features of non-fiction books.  If your child reads a non fiction book at home have them tell you the different features of the book (table of contents, bold print, pictures, captions, index and glossary)
This week we will:
  • Continue with "Me on the Map" looking more closely at our state, country and our continent.  
  • Review sentence types and have an assessment on this concept
  • Review non-fiction text features and have an assessment on this concept.
  • Begin looking at nouns (people, places and things)
  • Wednesday is Veterans Day! We will not have school this day! 
  • Please remember to read 20 minutes per night
News From Miss Garcia
Happy Monday 1st Grade Families,

Our class is finished up with graphing.  We assessed the students on Wednesday and they did a fantastic job applying their graphing skill to their assessment as well as gathering data and creating bar graphs, picture graphs and tally charts.  

This week we are going to be working on counting money, even though this is not a first grade standard, Mrs. Bloomfield and I do feel that it is important to make the connection between money and counting on.  We will discuss the value of each coin and also talk about how much these coins are equal to.  We will use them as part of the “counting on” strategy for example: 1 nickel added to 3 pennies = 8¢ This can also be written as an equation 5¢ + 3¢ = 8¢

There are also several IXL homework assignments that correspond with money that will be given for homework this week.

Here is your homework for the week of Nov. 9-12th…

Q.1 Name and values of coins
Q.2 Name and value of all coins
Veteran’s Day - NO homework
Homework Page

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Quarter 2-- Week 3 with Slideshow

October 26 - October 29

We had such a fun week in first grade.  

This week we learned about 2 different types of sentences.  Exclamatory sentences show emotion and end with an exclamation mark.  Declarative sentences make a statement and end with a period.  We also looked at non-fiction text features including pictures, captions and bold print.  We wrote our opinions of Frankenpudding or of Frankenstein and wrote how to make it.  Our class is doing an excellent job of writing their opinions.

This week we will be finishing up non-fiction text features.We will also learn about the other 2 types of sentences; Imperative (a command) and Interrogative (asks question).  We will start our new unit -- Me on the Map. Please help your child learn their address and phone number.

Please remember to write your child's name on all their loose clothing items. We have an overflowing lost and found.  If you are missing something please check the lost and found or send me an e-mail so I can be on the look out.

News from Miss Garcia
Happy November!

Your first grader has been studying and creating different types of graphs.  Last week, we looked at and gathered different types of data to create: bar graphs, picture graphs and tally charts.  This time of year is a fun time to create graphs due to all of the fun holidays!

Our class will continue to work on graphs this week.  However they will be ready for an assessment on graphing by this Wednesday.  They will only have one day of IXL (Monday) and the reset will be homework pages on graphing.

Here is the homework for this week.  November 2nd - 5th

IXL - M.4 Reading a bar graph
Pg. 207 & 208 Review
Pg. 199 & 200
Homework Page

Halloween Slideshow

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Have a great Week!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 26-29

Thank you to everyone who came for conferences.  It was great talking with everyone and sharing the many successes of your wonderful children.  

Last week in first grade:
  • We continued working on fact and opinion. We read fiction and non-fiction books about bats. We wrote a few facts and completed a bat craft.  We also wrote an opinion piece on what Mrs. Rowlett should be for Halloween. We have some very creative students in our class. Their ideas were great! 
  • Using the bat books we created story maps with all the details of each book.  Ask your child to tell you the plot (main events) of the stories they are reading to you.
  • We made Frankenpudding and used our senses to describe the pudding. We will write our opinions of the Frankenpudding.
This week we will be looking at the different types of sentences (interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, and declarative).  We will continue working on story maps with books.  We will also be looking at the text features of non-fiction text.  

IXL -- Homework for Week 11:

IXL - M.2 - Interpret data in tally charts
IXL - M.1 Record Data in Tally charts
IXL- M.3 - Interpret bar Graphs
NO Homework!  Due to Nevada Day and Halloween!

Halloween Celebration
We will have our Halloween celebration on Thursday from 12:15 to 1:45.  Your child may dress up in their costume.  Please remember no masks or scary/boody costumes.  Mrs. Simper is in charge of our party, please contact her if you would like to help out. We will be have a treat in the lunchroom.   If you are planning on sending something in, please remember we are a food free classroom.  

  • It is a new quarter if your child would like to wear crazy socks or tights please send in $1.
  • Wednesday is still Nacho Day - $3
  • Thursday is pizza day -- pizza coupons can be purchased at the office.

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 10 -- October 19

Wow! Look at this Fall weather!  I just love it!

We have a busy week this week.  Today we will be going to the book fair to preview all the great books.  Your child will get to fill out a wish list.  This is just a wish list. If you would like to purchase some of the great books you can send in money with your child or come and visit the book fair.  It will be opened everyday before and after school and during lunch.  We will have our Family Night on Thursday.

Thursday will be Monster Hair Day in honor of the book fair.

Friday is Parent Teacher conferences. Thank you for signing up on Sign up Genius.  I look forward to meeting with you.  If for some reason you can not make it to our conference please let me know and we can reschedule

We start a new special class this week. We will have Art now.  I can't wait to see all the amazing art projects our students create.  Mrs. Johnson does amazing projects with all the students.  A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Brubeck for a wonderful quarter of Community Service.  The student loved everything they learned.

Coming soon pictures from the pumpkin patch!

A Note from Miss Garcia:

Hello Bighorn Families, 

It's been another fast paced week of learning in first grade!!  All students have been busy completing first quarter assessments as well as determining if an equation is True or False, comparing numbers and determining the unknown number in an equation.  _ + 7 = 12    OR   11 - _ = 6

This weeks homework will be pages out of the student workbooks that include the lesson that we taught that day.  Students should know how to complete these homework pages.  If they were being attentive listeners and asking for clarification during the lessons that Mrs. Bloomfield and Miss Garcia have taught.

Remember to stop by the Oasis Academy Book Fair!
Have a great week, 

Homework for the week Oct. 19-22

Mon. - Workbook page 73-74
Tues. - Workbook page 72 only
Wed. - Test Review Page 38 & 40
Thurs. - No Thursday Homework due to test.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

1st Grade Happenings

Hi First Grade Families,

Pumpkin Patch
I wanted to remind everyone that our gathering at the pumpkin patch will be tomorrow, Friday October 16.  We will be meeting at Lattin Farms around 12:30.  The cost is 5 dollars per person.  Stop by anywhere between 12:30 and 2:00 to have a hayride, and pick a pumpkin.

Book Fair
The book fair will be set up at Oasis next week.  Our class will visit the book fair on Monday. A flier with some of the books offered was sent home today.  If you would like to send in money on Monday that will be fine. The book fair will also be opened before and after school and during lunch for you and your child to enjoy!  Thursday will be Family night at the book fair. There will be many games and activities along with shopping for books for you and your family to enjoy.
Thursday will be monster hair day at school.  Your child may style their hair crazy that day. This will be a lead in to Monster night at the book fair.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday October 23.  Thank you to everyone for signing up to meet.  I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress.

Great News from Miss Garcia

Have a Great Weekend!!
Mrs. Rowlett

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week Nine -- October 12

Math News from Miss Garcia,

Hello Parents,

We have had a busy week in first grade!  Our classes are working on understanding the concept of subtraction.  The first graders have been telling subtraction stories by drawing a picture, writing an equation and making a number bond in order to find the missing number.  We even began to relate addition to subtraction by introducing and writing fact families.  Listed below is an example of a fact family:

 9, 5, 4


Homework for this week:
Monday - IXL D.15 Complete the Subtraction Sentence
Tuesday - IXL D.11 Subtraction facts up to 10
Wednesday IXL D.17 Subtraction facts: True or False
Thursday - IXL  D.16 Related Subtraction Facts

Week 9 -

Thank you to everyone for signing up for Parent-Teacher conferences.

This is our final week before report cards. The end of the first grading period will be on Friday. I will be completing my final assessments this week so your child may not have a book from our guided reading groups. If your child does not have a book please make sure they read for 20 minutes. They can choose books from home, from our class library and also read the poems in their binders.

Last week we worked on Blends (dr, br, cr, bl cl ect.) The dr blend is really difficult for most first graders to hear. They hear it as jr. We also compared apples and pumpkins using a double bubble map and learned the difference between facts and opinions. The first grades wrote their opinion of Halloween in their journals.

We will begin our social studies project "Me On The Map" . One of the first grade standards is that students will know their address and phone number. Please begin to practice this with your child if they do not already know this.

First Grade and Kindergarten families will meeting at Lattin Farms, on Friday October 16, at 12:30 for a fun day of pumpkin picking, hay rides and the cow train. The cost will be $5 per person. This is a Family event so please plan on staying with your child. You can stop by any time between 12:30 and 2:30.

Have a great Week!
Mrs. Rowlett

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