Sunday, February 26, 2017

Quarter 3 Week 8

Wow how time flies! I can't believe that February is almost over.  The first graders have been very busy especially with the short week of school.  
Last week 
  • First graders worked on finishing up the writing part of our slide shows and added pictures to each page. 
  • We reviewed conjunctions and practiced using them to combine 2 simple sentences.
  • The class used pronouns to take the place of nouns.
  • First graders wrote about what they would do if they were president and learned facts about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
This week in first grade we will...
  • Add animation to our slide shows.
  • practice presenting our slide shows with a partner. We will be inviting families in to share these when we are experts. Time and Date will be posted soon. 
  • use conjunctions to make a book with complex sentences about an animal.
  • Continue to properly use pronouns.
  • Read first grade poems and stories
Yearbooks need to be ordered by March 17th.
If your child is returning to Oasis Academy next year for the 2017-18 school year you must complete Returning Student document via an on-line form.  An email was sent out to all parents on February 21.  Deadline to submit is March 30, 2017.


Week 26 February 27th - March 2nd

Last week the students practiced telling time to the hour and ½ hour.  The class worked with both analog and digital clocks.  They are doing a great job telling time to the hour and they realize that every time that the minute hand is on the 12...that it means “o’clock.”  We are also working hard on telling time to the half hour by stating it two different ways:  for example 3:30 can also be said as “half past 3.”  So, this is a more challenging concept for the 1st graders to understand.  As a class, we will continue to work on telling time this week and will take a whole group assessment on Thursday.  

      Digital  Clock                Analog Clock

After finishing up our unit on telling time, the 1st graders will move onto working with fractions.  The students are required to to partition circles and rectangles into halves, fourths and quarters.  They will know that fractions are equal parts of a whole.

Week 26 Homework
February 27th - March 2
IXL U.4- Read clocks and write times
IXL - U.5 A.M. or P.M.
IXL - U.6 Time of everyday events
No Homework due to 1st grade assessment

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Week 25

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a fun and relaxing 4 day weekend!  
Get ready to tell time!  Practice reading both analog and digital clocks.  The first graders will be telling time to the hour and ½ hour using both types of clocks.  

Digital  Clock Analog Clock
Week 25 Homework
February 21st - 23rd

President’s Day - No Homework
IXL - U.1 Match Digital clocks and times
IXL - U.2 Match Analog clocks and times
IXL - U.3 Match Analog and digital clocks
Hello First Grade Families,

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and didn't get too soggy with all of the rain!  We had a busy week in first grade last week and had a short but fun Valentine's Day party on Tuesday.  Look below at some fun pictures from our party.

I am sure you have been hearing all about the animal that your child is researching in class.  If your child is not sharing what they have learned about their animal please ask them.  The kids are having such a fun time working with a partner to research their animal and are now typing information using Google Slides on the Chromebook.  Each student is responsible for typing information that they have learned about their animal onto slides for a Powerpoint.  Students take turns typing and while the other student typing they are reading the information that they wrote and telling them what letters to type next.  They are having to work well together with their partner and they are surprising me at how capable they all are.  Mrs. Loop and I will be letting all first grade parents know when our classes are ready to present their slideshows to families.

Yearbooks need to be ordered by March 17th.  
Book Order is due this Friday, February, 24th.


  • began expanding sentences by using conjunctions (and, so, but).
  • continued writing "friend notes" to classmates.
  • continued working with a partner to research assigned animal to make a powerpoint using Google Slides on the Chromebooks.
  • began adding pictures to powerpoint of assigned animal.
  • learned about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

  • see the Oasis High School FFA animal projects in the afternoon on Tuesday.
  • learn about pronouns and be able to identify them in a sentence.
  • practice sorting words into categories of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
  • continue working with a partner to research assigned animal to make a powerpoint.
  • continue adding pictures to powerpoint of assigned animal.
  • learn how to add movement and animation to slides and pictures of powerpoint.
  • begin making a diorama of assigned animal.
  • continue expanding sentences by using conjunctions (and, so, but).

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Quarter 3 -- Week 6

Hello First Grade Families,

Happy Valentine's Week!!! I hope you are hearing all about the animal that your child is researching at school.  The kids are having so much fun working with a partner to research their animals and are enjoying typing their information using Google slides on the Chromebooks.   Each student is responsible for typing information that they have found about their animal onto slides for a PowerPoint.  Students take turns typing and while the other person is typing they are reading the information that they wrote and telling them what letters to type next.  They are doing a lot of teamwork and surprising me at how capable they all are.  Mrs. Loop and I  will be letting 1st grade parents know when our classes are ready to present their Slide shows to families.

VALENTINE'S DAY--We will be passing out class Valentine's in the afternoon on February 14.  Students will have cute Valentine monster bags that they have made in class to put all of their Valentine's in.  Valentine cards are completely optional, if your child would like to pass them out to the class please send in enough for the entire class  We will have a short time to play a few games after Community Service class is over at 1:05 and we leave at 2:00. 
wrote "friend notes" by choosing names and writing appreciations about the person that they chose.  (The kids love writing happy notes to each other and receiving happy notes from others.)
  • worked with partner to research assigned animal and fill out graphic organizers with facts about animal.
  • began typing animal information on chromebooks  for powerpoint about assigned animal.
  • practice spelling words with -ime spelling pattern (lime, crime, overtime)
  • learn about conjunctions (and, so, but) and expand sentences by using them.
  • continue writing "friend notes" to classmates.
  • continue working with a partner to research assigned animal to make a powerpoint on the chromebook.
  • begin adding pictures to powerpoint of assigned animal.
  • learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
REMINDER:  There will not be any school on Monday, February 20 in observance of President's Day.

Math News from Miss Garcia

The first grade students worked on the following skills last week: using 100 chart to find 10 more, 10 less and 1 more, 1 less than a given number between 1 -100.  They also decomposed numbers to compose a “10” or the next “10’ which would be 20! We will continue to work on this objective this week.

Mrs. Bloomfield and I will not give out homework on Tuesday and Thursday due to Valentine’s Day and the 4 day weekend in observance of President’s Day.  Enjoy this long weekend with your family!

Decompose & Compose a Ten or the next 10...
17 + 4 = ___
                                                    ↙ ↘  (decompose 4 into 3 & 1)
                                                   3    1 (add the 17 to 3 to compose a 20)
                                    (17 + 3)  =  20  +  1 = 21

Week 24 Homework
February 13th - 16th

Worksheet - Decompose, 1 more/1 less & 10 more/10 less
No Homework - Happy Valentine’s Day
IXL  - I.1 Relate addition and subtraction sentences
No Homework - Happy President’s Day Weekend

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Quarter 3 Week 5

Image result for february

Happy February First Grade Families, 

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  First graders have been busy, busy this week. We practiced adjectives, spelling words in the ale family and worked really hard on our research projects.  We used books and websites to help us learn about our animals and used a tree map to record the information.

This week in first grade we will...
  • combine 2 simple sentences with a conjunction.
  • spell words in the ate famliy.
  • use google slides to create a slide show with all the information learned about their animal.
  • write Valentine appreciations for our classmate.
  • write about what our hearts are full of.
HOMEWORK REMINDER -- first graders will have math and reading nightly. Please help your child remember to get this completed.

Valentines Day
Our class will be celebrating Valentines day on Tuesday February 14, We will have a short celebration as that day is our MUSIC day.  We will be exchanging Valentines cards and playing a fun Valentines day game.  Please send in 20 valentines with your child signature.  Do not fill out who it is too.   

Here are some pictures of the first graders conducting their research.

Math News From Miss Garcia

Happy Monday!  Last week our 1st grade classes focused on adding a two digit number to a one digit number without “renaming”  We quickly introduced adding a multiple of ten to a 2-digit number which the classes will continue to work on this week.  Mrs. Bloomfield and I are also assessing the standard: “solve” word problems that call for the addition of three whole numbers.  Again, the 100 charts that the kids have in their binders are a great tool to use for these kind of addition problems!  

For example:
Mrs. Bloomfield had 3 candy hearts, Miss Garcia had 8 candy hearts and Miss Rowlett had 5 candy hearts.  How many candy hearts did the teachers have altogether?

3 + 8 + 5 = _16_
The teachers have 16 candy hearts.
(Students must solve the equation and answer in a complete sentence.)

The kids can also utilize their 100 charts to find a number.  Once they choose the number they have to tell you one less that the given number, one more than as well as 10 less and 10 more…

Let’s say they choose “32”  One less is 31, one more than is 33.  10 less than 32 is 22 and 10 more than 32 is 42.  The student’s begin to see a pattern in how the numbers on the chart are organized.  We are practicing this in class too!




Decompose & Compose a Ten
8 + 4 = ___
                                                    ↙ ↘  (decompose 4 into 2 & 2)
                                                   2    2 (add the 8 to 2 to compose a 10)
                                    (8+2)  =  10  +  2 = 12

Students playing a card game in which they have to figure out the missing addend to make a ten.  This was a great way to practice these number combinations!

Happy February!
Miss Garcia & Mrs. Bloomfield

Week 23 Homework
February 6th - 9th
Worksheet -  pg. 45 & 46
Worksheet - pg. 113 & 114
Worksheet - pg. 115 & 116 - Branch addition
Worksheet - Branch Addition