Sunday, June 3, 2018

Last Week!!

Image result for say hello to summer

Happy Last Week of School!!

It is so hard to believe we are in our final week of the school year.  I am so proud of all of my first graders and the amazing progress they made this year.  It has been so fun to see them grow.  I will miss them so during summer. 

We have a busy week ahead of us.  

REMEMBER TO SEND IN YOUR CHILD'S FIELD DAY PERMISSION SLIP ASAP.  Every student needs a waiver form fill out to participate in field day.

Monday -- Awards Assembly & Popsicle in the park. (Please send a water bottle tomorrow for  our walk to the park).

Tuesday -- 3rd grade will be hosting a market day to sell their items they made. The first graders will be using monopoly money to purchase their great items.  This will also sum up our Economics unit. 

Wednesday -- Drama Play @ 1:30 in our classroom. Report cards, reading calendars, Math fact sheets and your child's writing collections will go home this day. Please look for this in your child's backpack. 

Thursday -- Field Day.  All families received an email from Oasis Academy about Field Day: label towels and clothing, sunscreen your child prior to sending them to school and only one piece swimming suits are acceptable.  A lunch of a hot dog, bag of chips, juice box, and watermelon will be provided free of charge. If your child does not eat hot dogs, send a bagged lunch that doesn’t require a microwave. Please drop off your students by 8:00 and pick up at 2:00!

Summer Reading Reminder
Your child will be bringing home a summer reading log calendar, next week.  
Please initial the days your child reads for 15 or more minutes. Those that
return their calendar in the fall and read at least 40 days will get a prize.

I have loved teaching your child this year. It has been so much fun watching them learn and grow. I look forward to working with them again next year!! Have a wonderful summer.

Thank your for sharing your child with me!!
Mrs. Rowlett