Sunday, January 29, 2017

Quarter 3 -- week 4

Hello First Grade Families, 
I can't believe how fast this quarter is going. We are already almost 1/2 way through.  First graders have been very busy.

Last Week We...
  • shared knowledge about penguins with Mrs. Loop's class who had been learning about polar bears. They taught us all about polar bears. After learning all about polar bears we wrote great facts about all we learned.
  • started our non-fiction research projects by choosing an animal and reading all about it with a partner. 
  • added adjectives to sentences and tried to find adjectives in sentences.
  • studied words that were in the ame family.
This week we will...
  • practice spelling words in the -ale family.  (sale, male, whale, inhale)
  • continue working with adjectives
  • work with a partner to research an animal and begin a slide show. 
Valentines Day --
Valentines day falls on a school day this year.  Our class will be exchanging Valentine cards.  Please plan on sending in 20 Valentines for our class.  Due to a limited amount of time please have your child sign the cards but not put who the card is to. This makes passing the cards out much easier.  If you have any regular size Kleenex boxes please send them in we will be using these as our Valentines day mail boxes. 

REMINDER: Book orders are due Tuesday, January 31 If you are interested in ordering books please submit your order online or send in your order to school with your child. Use Code HLFMD.

Math News from Miss Garcia
I cannot believe that it is the last week of January and the beginning of February!  3rd quarter is rushing by as we continue to review math concepts and introduce new strategies in both 1st and 2nd grade!

The first graders finished up their unit on Non-standard measurement unit and moved onto composing (making) and decomposing (breaking down) to make a sum of ten.  This will also continue to introduce the students to the Associative Property.  

Associative Property:
Add 2 + (6 + 4) = 2 + 10 = 12  
The 6 and 4 can be used to compose a 10.  So.... 2 + 10 = 12

Mrs. Bloomfield and I always send home an example on the homework pages:  Here is an example of decomposing 4 into 2 and 2 in order to compose a 10 by adding 8 to 2.
8 + 4 = ___
                                                    ↙ ↘  (decompose 4 into 2 & 2)
                                                   2    2 (add the 8 to 2 to compose a 10)
                                    (8+2)  =  10  +  2 = 12

As a first grade class we will continue to work on this concept during the week.  As the week progresses we will add a two digit number to a one digit number without “renaming”  The 100 charts that the kids have in their binders are a great tool to use for these kind of addition problems!  Please DO NOT tell them the answer, have them use a resource (100 chart) from their binder.  You are NOT helping your child out by just telling them the answer.
23 + 4 = 27 31 + 5 = 36 54 + 2 = 56
Week 22 Homework
January January 30th - February 2nd
Worksheet - Decomposing
Worksheet - Decomposing
Worksheet - Add a two digit number to a one digit number without regrouping/renaming
IXL - D.16 Add a two digit number to a one digit number without regrouping/renaming

Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quarter 3-- Week 3

Hello First Grade Families,

You may notice teachers wearing yellow scarves this week.  The yellow scarves represent National School Choice Week.  This week is dedicated to raising public awareness of all types of education options for children.  These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling.  Thanks to school choice Oasis Academy is thriving.

Yearbook information was sent out from Mrs. Mackedon via email.  Deadline to order is a yearbook is March 17.

Report cards went home last week.  Please do not hesitate in contacting either Mrs. Garcia at or myself at if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's progress.

  • continued learning about adjectives.
  • read about polar bears and wrote about what they eat and where they live.
  • learned about herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores.
  • practice spelling words with the -ame spelling pattern (frame, blame, came).
  • practice adding adjectives to sentences.
  • watch short videos about polar bears and write some cool facts that we learned.
  • share our knowledge about penguins with Mrs. Loop's class who has been learning about penguins.
  • write facts that they learned about polar bears from Mrs. Loop's class.
  • work with a partner and choose an animal that they would like to begin researching together.
  • begin filling out graphic organizers about their assigned animals to begin making a nonfiction book on their own about their chosen animal.
Math News from Miss Garcia...
We continued to work on non-standard measurement this week.  The first grade students will be able to distinguish between a longer vs. shorter object as well as compare 3 objects by length.  

All week the 1st graders used manipulatives such as: tiles, cubes, paperclips and discs to compare “about” how long a specific object was in length.  They also filled out a table and were required to choose an object to measure, estimate its length and record its actual length.  They then had to discuss their findings with several classroom partners.  Estimation is a difficult concept for 1st graders to understand.

This week, as a class, we will focus on addition of 3 numbers within word problems.  We will begin to compose and decompose to make a sum of ten or greater.  This will also introduce the students to the Associative Property.  

Associative Property:
Add 2 + (6 + 4) = 2 + 10 = 12  
The 6 and 4 can be used to compose a 10.  So.... 2 + 10 = 12

Week 21 Homework
January 23rd - 26th
Worksheet - Adding 3 digits
IXL E.7 - complete the addition sentence: make a 10
IXL E.6 -Add 3 numbers, use doubles
Worksheet - Adding 3 one - digit numbers & decomposing
 Have a great week!
Mrs. Rowlett & Mrs. Garcia


Monday, January 16, 2017

Quarter 3 -- Week 2

Hello first grade families,

     It was such a fun week in first grade with all the snow.  First graders had a blast getting out and playing in it. It was great hearing all about the fun adventures of winter break.  The start of the new quarter, report cards,  new areas of study in math and writing, a “Code Yellow” drill and of course Thursday’s continuous snowfall made for an exciting return!
Last week we....   

  •  review super e by practicing words in the ate family. 
  • reviewed nouns and verbs.
  • learned about adjectives by describing the crazy penguin Tacky.
  • began informative writing by writing about what a penguin looks like.
  • completed a graphic organizer on our winter breaks. 

This week in first grade we will...

  • continue working on adjectives by adding them to our writing.
  • continue our informative writing about penguins including what they eat, where they live and fun facts about them.
  • use our graphic organizers to write about winter break.
  • Due to the short week we will not have a spelling pattern.
Please remember to read nightly and complete the assigned Math homework. 

Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home in your child's binder on Monday. Be sure to look for it. 

Please label your child's extra clothing items.  

Math News From Miss Garcia
In math, the first grade students are working on measurement.  There was a lot of discussion of shorter vs. longer.  We compared our classmates and objects within the classroom using short, shorter, shortest as well as long, longer,longest for our math vocabulary.  They also ordered 3 different objects by length.  The students used both small and large paper clips, tiles, cubes, string and ribbon as various “non-standard” measuring tools.

Some examples of non-standard measuring tools.

Here is a saying we use in order to measure with accuracy.  There are hand movements to go with it… “End to end, no gaps, no overlaps.”  Have them say and show you!  We will continue to practice next week.

“End to end… no gaps… no overlaps”
File_002.jpeg File_000.jpeg File_001.jpeg

Week 20 Homework
January 17th - 19th
No Homework - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Worksheet - measure the length of the objects
Worksheet - measure the pencils using pennies
Worksheet - measure the laces using pennies

Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garcia           

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Quarter 3 -- week 1

Happy 2017!  We hope that you had a fun and enjoyable Winter Break!  We can’t believe how quickly the first semester came to an end.  Here we are back for a fresh start in January! I am looking forward to hearing all about your child's adventures over winter break.

PIZZA COUPONS--3rd quarter passed must be bought by Tuesday, January 10th.
Follow the steps below and cross this item off your to do list.
  1. Go to the school website,
  2. Click on "For Parents".  
  3. Click on "PAYMENTS/DONATIONS".  
  4. Choose the item you wish to purchase.  
  5. Be sure to include the First and Last name of all children you are buying passes for - very important :)
  6. You do not need to set up a PayPal account to use this payment method.  
Booklets of pizza coupons are still available for purchase at the front desk.  5 coupons for $15.  These have no expiration date. Single coupons are not sold.

SOCKS--Students can pay for socks when the return from Winter Break in the can on the front desk at school.  They need to pay $1 to wear colored tights or socks all quarter long otherwise the uniform requirements are white, navy blue, or black socks.

AWARDS - Awards will be coming out after the start of the new year.  Students from each class have been chosen for the following awards:  “Bighorn, Cooperation & Collaboration, Attentiveness, Most Improved and Work Ethic.”  We look at “all around” great students who display unique qualities in order to distribute awards appropriately to those students who deserve them.  Both of your child’s 1st and 2nd grade teachers discuss who should receive awards.  I am not sure when the assembly will be held however, please check your child's binder and I am positive that they will be SO excited that they will not forget to give you their award!

There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 16th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  

  • share and write about what we did over Winter Break.
  • complete our learning about light and sound and review what translucent, transparent, and opaque mean.
  • practicing reading nonfiction books and begin researching about polar bears as a whole class.
  • begin learning about adjectives.
  • learn about Martin Luther King.
  • begin Community Service class with Mr. Lenon on Tuesday afternoons for the entire quarter (9 weeks).


This is the 2nd semester...the expectations are even higher and we are preparing the 1st graders to master their 1st grade objectives and work towards 2nd grade math skills!  

Week 19 Homework
January 9th - 12th
IXL P.2 - Compare Objects: length and height
Workbook pgs. 169-170
IXL P.3 - Measure using Objects
IXL P.4 - Measure using an inch ruler
It will be a full week of learning!
Be safe and stay dry!

Mrs. Rowlett & Miss Garica