Monday, May 9, 2016

Quarter 4 Week 8

There are only 2 weeks of school left which means 8 school days!! There is still so much we need to get done before we can finish the school year! This week I will be completing end of the year assessments during our daily 5 block. Your will not have questions to answer just a book to read. This week we will also be learning about tall tales and ow they are stories that are exaggerated. We will have many books read about about Tall Tales but we will be focusing on Paul Bunyan and Jonh Henry.

Important Dates to Remember ---

Wednesday --May 11 -Active Shooter Drill -- This will take place after 2:00 so kinders and first graders will not be present for this drill.  
Wednesday -- May 18 -- 8th Grade Graduation in the morning
                       12:30 --Drama play in Mr. Deegans room.,
Thursday -- May 19 -- Field day and last day of school.

Math News from Miss Garcia
                                         May 9, 2016
Dear Bighorn Parents,

Over the next week please have your 1st grader choose an IXL assignment from the 1st grade IXL objectives for math to complete for homework Monday - Thursday.  There will be no assigned homework.  I will be receiving updates in order to see who has completed assignments throughout the week.
Background, Numbers
Our week in math will be spent reviewing measurement and completing end of quarter assessments for report cards.  Students will be working in small groups so that I can pull students for small group and individual assessments.