Monday, March 5, 2018

Correct Math Homework for week 24

Sorry I posted the wrong Math Homework! Here is the correct Math Post!!  Have a great week!

Last week, the students practiced telling time to the hour and ½ hour.  The class
worked with both analog and digital clocks.  They are doing a great job telling
time to the hour and they realize that every time that the minute hand is on the
12...that it means “o’clock.”  We are also working hard on telling time to the half
hour by stating it two different ways:  for example 3:30 can also be said as “half
past 3.”  So, this is a more challenging concept for the 1st graders to understand.  
The first graders took an assessment on telling time and did an amazing job!
This week, first grade students will be reviewing several concepts that have been
taught.  Mrs. Bloomfield and I will be teaching mini-lessons and giving
mini-assessments in order to complete grades for the upcoming Trimester report

Week 24 Homework
March 5th - March 8th

IXL - M.2 Write numbers as 10’s and 1’s up to 20
IXL - M.3 Place value models up to 100
IXL - M.4 Convert between 10’s and 1’s
IXL - M.5 Write numbers as tens and ones